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Posts posted by Runaro

  1. 59 minutes ago, Loqiud said:

    I'm not....that's a old out-dated non-used Wrobotm I literally JUST said it. It's the only verision number I remember, since I JUST said I'm at work and don't know my active one.


    2 hours ago, Loqiud said:

    Not sure, I think it's 1.2.0, I'm at work atm so can't tell for sure.

    1.2.0 is just the version number of the cracked version, so what else should a staff member think?

    Simply use the newest version, because there's no support for old outdated versions.

  2. 16 minutes ago, SnowDragon said:

    preciate the response but i was busted couple days later and am now on a 6 month suspension still say your program is a great service though thank you

    What have you done to get banned? :biggrin:

  3. 2 minutes ago, KevinVapes said:

    Oder UPnP aktivieren, wird bestimmt nur ein Port sein der blockiert wird und oder Routerfirewall.

    Keine Ahnung was genau im Router es verursacht, eventuell hilft auch nur der Reset.

    Hat schon genug Zeit in Anspruch genommen, um die Fehlerquelle auf den Router einzuschränken. :biggrin:

  4. Nach einer halben Ewigkeit testen, haben wir die Fehlerquelle endteckt.

    Der Router blockiert die Verbindung zu dem Wrobot Server, daher habe ich Ihm empfohlen den Router auf Werkeinstellungen zurückzusetzen.

    Hoffentlich hilft dies, ansonsten muss er den Bot über ein virtual private network nutzen.

  5. 1 minute ago, Hodgepodge said:

    Vielen Dank schon mal für die schnelle Antwort! Ich habe deinen Rat befolgt, leider ist die Seite immer noch "gesperrt"... Es kommt die Fehlermeldung "Seiten-Ladefehler", als hätte ich kein Internet... Hast du vielleicht noch andere Ideen?

    Installiere Teamviewer und schicke mir die Daten via Private Nachricht.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Hodgepodge said:

    Hi Guys,

    I have a unnormal problem. In this moment, to reach the website from germany, I need to use a proxyserver. Is it possible, that the site and the programm is not allowed anymore in germany? My main problem is, that Im unable to update or reinstall the programm, because he needs to connect to the website and he isnt able to do over a proxy...



  7. 10 minutes ago, Hodgepodge said:

    Hallo ihr Lieben,

    aktuell habe ich das Problem, dass ich nur über einen Proxyserver auf die Seite hier komme und somit meinen Bot auch nicht updaten kann. Kann es sein, dass das was zu tun hat mit den jüngsten gerichtlichen Entscheidungen bezüglich Bots?

    LIebe Grüße!

    "Gerichtlichen Entscheidungen"???

    Ähm, WRobot gehört nicht zur Bossland GmbH, sondern es ist ein Französisches Unternehmen mit dem Namen Techprog.. Du verwechselst WRobot mit Honorbuddy...

    Vermutlich ist deine IP Addresse von der OVH DDOS Protection blocked.

    Nehme dein Modem & Router für 10 Minuten vom Netz, sodass dir eine neue IP Addresse zugewiesen wird.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Magija said:

    Wow, I feel insanely stupid. Thanks man. 

    Something else that isn't a big deal, but was wondering about the camera lock? I'm not sure if it's the bot exactly or not, but sometimes the camera will get stuck a certain direction and it will always just go back to that direction no matter what I do. If that makes sense. 

    That's a setting in WoW and has nothing to do with WRobot.

    ESC - Interface - Camera

    And there you can change such things.

  9. 46 minutes ago, Magija said:

    I mean alright so maybe this question is stupid, or obvious, but how do you guys use the fighter?

    I understand how to set up a fighter profile and use WRotation to make it fight, but there is no control, so I mean sure it's good for questing or grinding, but nothing else?

    I don't see you'd be able to duel, dungeon, raid or do anything because of the lack of mobility? 

    You can turn off "Manage character movement", that means you have to control your character.

  10. 4 hours ago, Kissit said:

    Heloo just bought the bot today for a cataclysm server , i have a level 5 warlock , can anyone share some fight class for warlocks ? can t find any fighting class on cataclysm forums ..

    You could use a wotlk FightClass as base and just add some spells that got added with cataclysm.

    Maybe some spells need to get removed or changed from it, but just trial and error. :biggrin:

  11. 32 minutes ago, dae said:

    Salut à tous, 


    Je viens d'utiliser Wrobot depuis peu seulement et j'en suis à peiner pour me faire mes propres profils de quester. Déjà un gros merci, ca aide beaucoup le tutoriel en français. Maiis je me demande si je m'y suis pas pris un peu trop tard pour commencer à exploiter ce logiciel suite à la sortie de la prochaine extension Légion. est ce que ce sera compatible ? Devrons-nous attendre une MAJ du logiciel pour l'utiliser ? Est il possible de commencer à établir un profil quester grâce à WOWhead et les infos que l'on peut récupérer sur ce site ? 

    Merci d'avance pour votre réponse et pour votre travail sur ce super logiciel.

    I think Droidz is already working on the legion support, but we have to wait until legion got released and the bot is updated.

    Creating quest profiles is a little bit more complex then just getting the informations from wowhead.

    You have to get the coordinates of the NPC's, Objectives etc.. and this is something, you can only get from the game itself.

  12. 37 minutes ago, Rgeyou said:

    Hallo Leude,


    konnte leider nichts passendes dazu finden, aber ist der Bot vor Blizzards Anti-Cheat system Warden sicher?

    Wenn ja wie lange ist das schon so oder wie oft hatte dieser Bot damit Probleme?



    Der Bot existiert seit 2013 und ist auch seitdem Undetected.

  13. 31 minutes ago, KevinVapes said:

    y thing that bugs me a little bit is the fact that when the bot takes a Mob in target he does that not with leftclick as it seems, he does it with rightclick everytime. As a caster (Bloodelfmage) this looks kind of stupid, because we use spells not our weapons. So my charakter always pulls out his staff first and then keeps casting frostfirebolt. Doing this over and over, mob for mob, should be looking suspicious for other players. Maybe i did something wrong i dont know, maybe someone has a hint for me here.


    And set the priority higher of the spell.

  14. 21 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    Do you have tried to reinstall WRobot (to reset all settings). If you can send me profile (by private message if it is personnal profile).

    I've reinstalled for Kazansky everything via teamviewer.

    Sometimes it happens after minutes, sometimes after hours... i was not able to solve this problem.

    Gonna ask Kazansky for the profile and send you later a private message.

  15. 54 minutes ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, "Long Move" is used when you flying and generally if target position is more far than 200y. (if you can share your full log file please)

    I've take a look over it a time ago via teamviewer and there's no reason why the bot should do this "Long Move".

    The Profile is just a simple circle and there's no vendor added. ( Database cleared )

    And there isn't something in the logfile that can explain, why it happens all the time..

    The main problem is, that i have currently no active retail sub.. so i can't test it by myself.

    PS. WRobot, .net Framework, DX etc.. got reinstalled and it didn't help.

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