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    bizza reacted to Krazzee in Help with checking Hearthstone location   
    Hello :)
    I just tested myself and you are absolutely correct, I was assuming it had to have been Gallow's End Tavern and never apparently sat and actually read the true name, to which you are indeed correct it is Gallows' End Tavern. You have no idea how hard I laughed at my mistake this morning when I woke up and read your reply then tested it--I suppose it's like the old saying: "When you make an assumption, you make an ass out of you and -umption." This will absolutely help more than you know, as of now my Undead 1-12 quester is basically complete :) A bit of quest tuning and some testing and it might be up to scratch for a beta release. 
    Thank you very much for all of your assistance nudl, you have helped me to bring my quester to fruition and I can't thank you enough. And thank you for the compliment :) I'm sure I'll be bothering you again for an issue in the future :P Now to level up some other classes and program in the level 10 class quests and I think it'll be totally finished. Consider this solved.
    (Here's the successful code I'm now using if anyone needs it for anything similar)
    <QuestsSorted Action="TurnIn" NameClass="ARoguesDeal" /> <QuestsSorted Action="If" NameClass="Lua.LuaDoString&lt;string&gt;(&quot;bindlocation = GetBindLocation(); return bindlocation;&quot;) != &quot;Gallows' End Tavern&quot;" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithNpc(new Vector3(2269.51f, 244.944f, 34.25697f), 5688, 1, false);" /> <QuestsSorted Action="RunMacroLua" NameClass="/click StaticPopup1Button1" /> <QuestsSorted Action="GoToStep" NameClass="56" /> <QuestsSorted Action="EndIf" NameClass="" />  
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    bizza reacted to headcrab in Авто БГ   
    Сделал поиск вражеских хилов по таймеру 
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    bizza reacted to Inf3ctious in Thoradin's Wall (Hillsbrad/Arathi wall)   
    The meshes do not seem to account for the solid wall that separates Hillsbrad Foothills from Arathi Highlands. I will often find the bot running into the wall, it looks like wrobot thinks there is a gap in the wall somewhere south of the gate.
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    bizza reacted to Droidz in Snippets codes for quest profiles   
    Change position of path generated by WRobot
    (this can help you to resolve  stuck on specific doors and doorways)
    With this code, you can replace specific point of path by another.
    // Continent (item1), DefaultPosition (item2), DefaultPositionSearchRange (item3), NewPosition (item4) var positionChange = new List<Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>> { new Tuple<ContinentId, Vector3, float, Vector3>(ContinentId.Kalimdor, new Vector3(1422.318, -4662.921, 35.46182), 0.5f, new Vector3(1422.063, -4665.421, 35.46295)), /// new Tuple<ContinentId... }; wManager.Events.MovementEvents.OnMovementPulse += delegate(List<Vector3> points, CancelEventArgs cancelable) { var continent = (ContinentId) Usefuls.ContinentId; foreach (var p in points) { foreach (var pchange in positionChange) { if (p != null && pchange.Item1 == continent && p.DistanceTo(pchange.Item2) <= pchange.Item3) { Logging.WriteDebug("Change path position of " + p + " to " + pchange.Item4); p.X = pchange.Item4.X; p.Y = pchange.Item4.Y; p.Z = pchange.Item4.Z; p.Type = pchange.Item4.Type; p.Action = pchange.Item4.Action; } } } };
    (you need to run this code one time by WRobot session, you can run this code in step type "RunCode")
  5. Like
    bizza got a reaction from danisimo in Сад чудес!   
    Сделай небольшой гринд (или gather) маршрут возле яиц, далее открой Advanced Settings в разделе Looting and Farming options найди поле "Harvest objects (...):", впиши туда id яиц и запускай свой гринд профиль

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    bizza reacted to Droidz in Snippets codes for quest profiles   
    Catch Zeppelin/Ship
    Quest profile: Catch Zeppelin and Ship Sample.xml
    // Sample of how to use Zeppelin/Ship // In this sample, WRobot catch Zeppelin from Kalimdor (Ogrimmard) to Northrend (Borean Tundra (Warsong Hold)) /* Quest settings: * Can condition: "return Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Kalimdor;" * Is complete condition: "return Usefuls.ContinentId == (int) ContinentId.Northrend && !ObjectManager.Me.InTransport;" * Not required in quest log: "True" * Quest type: "OverridePulseCSharpCode" */ // You can get zeppelin/ship/player positions and entry ID in tab "Tools" > "Development Tools" > "Dump all informations" (or "Memory information"). // Settings: var zeppelinEntryId = 186238; // Zeppelin/Ship EntryId // From var fromZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(1775.066, -4299.745, 151.0326); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (from) var fromPlayerWaitPosition = new Vector3(1762.322, -4282.175, 133.1072); // Position where the player waits Zeppelin/Ship (from) var fromPlayerInZeppelinPosition = new Vector3(1768.199, -4289.856, 133.1912); // Position where the player waits in the Zeppelin/Ship (from) // To var toZeppelinWaitPosition = new Vector3(2837.908, 6187.443, 140.1648); // Position where Zeppelin/Ship waits players (to) var toPlayerLeavePosition = new Vector3(2836.5, 6184.367, 121.9332); // Position to go out the Zeppelin/Ship (to) // Change WRobot settings: wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.CloseIfPlayerTeleported = false; // Code: if (!Conditions.InGameAndConnectedAndProductStartedNotInPause) return true; if (Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Kalimdor) { if (!ObjectManager.Me.InTransport) { if (GoToTask.ToPosition(fromPlayerWaitPosition)) { var zeppelin = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(zeppelinEntryId).OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault(); if (zeppelin != null && zeppelin.Position.DistanceTo(fromZeppelinWaitPosition) < 1) { GoToTask.ToPosition(fromPlayerInZeppelinPosition); } } } } else if (Usefuls.ContinentId == (int)ContinentId.Northrend) { if (ObjectManager.Me.InTransport) { var zeppelin = ObjectManager.GetWoWGameObjectByEntry(zeppelinEntryId).OrderBy(o => o.GetDistance).FirstOrDefault(); if (zeppelin != null && zeppelin.Position.DistanceTo(toZeppelinWaitPosition) < 1) { GoToTask.ToPosition(toPlayerLeavePosition); } } } return true;  
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    bizza got a reaction from Dmitry in Русские отзовитесь   
    Чтобы он не бил автоатакой, нужен FightClass для своего класса. Тут 2 варианта: 1) Сделать самому, с помощью встроенного редактора; 2) Скачать готовый тут для офа, у пиратки свой раздел
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    bizza reacted to ⎝͠҉̭̫͖̗͇ͅTratin ̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍̍ in [REQUEST]WoD ptr 6.2.3 build 20726 or 20779   
    I'm trying to find the WoD version 6.2.3 (20726) <I know this existed but I find it more to download, my version 20886 no longer works with license trial impossible WHAT I be testing my fightclass I created ... So if someone has a 20726 or 20779 please to upload.

    I buy the Wrobot but I can not pay any of the methods accept my card -.- ''

    Kind regards.
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    bizza reacted to Rgeyou in Warden undetected?   
    Hallo Leude,
    konnte leider nichts passendes dazu finden, aber ist der Bot vor Blizzards Anti-Cheat system Warden sicher?
    Wenn ja wie lange ist das schon so oder wie oft hatte dieser Bot damit Probleme?
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