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Everything posted by Ohren

  1. I still find it odd that you have to post that disclaimer... if anyone blamed you for them getting banned.... wow.
  2. The biggest problem I see is that you can't just post in /2 about it, and that's where the majority of your targeted audience is at. I'm going to be popping around MMO chat rooms advertising tomorrow though. Are we allowed to bot our advertisements for the bot? xP I'm pretty pro at some Javascript and have used the VB.NET MSHTML resource a few times.
  3. Really?! A little rocket? I had a GSXR600 before my Volusia.. I think I've grown out of going fast.
  4. I kind of agree, me personally, I know four people in real life that play WoW. One is my wife, who uses my account on WoW and WRobot, the other 3 are guys from work that don't want to bot. So I can get 0 referrals. I was thinking about going to a gaming chat room and trying my luck, but I am a bit busy with my fight classes. xP
  5. Give this a whirl. :) (I forgot to add a larger range to it, so change range to 34 if you use it) destroROFTest.xml
  6. Ohhhhh!!!! I figured out your issue! I will upload a working Rain of Fire in just a few minutes.
  7. <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>MeInMove</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBool"> <Value>true</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> You have it set true... not false.
  8. Between work and the weather being nice enough to get my bike out, I've been having trouble finding time to create fight classes. Even when I do manage to get a half hour here and there, when I upload a new version, I sometimes forget to update the existing file. So to make my life (a lot) easier, I will be taking down individual downloads for my current fight classes on Friday. I figure the package is the most convenient way to get fight classes and updates from me anyways. xP Also, as for new fight classes, I am currently in the process of making 2 (Enhancement Shaman and Demo Lock), these are running into some issues, so until I get those figured out, I am going through and making some of my old fight classes more responsive and effective with my new found love of LUA (possible with a bit of help from Droidz). xP And attached is a picture of my bike, 2001 Suzuki Volusia 800. Cobra exhaust and a bit of extra chrome, other than that, bone stock. :)
  9. Ohren

    Metamorphosis won't cast.

    Also having a strange issue with my Enhancement Shaman fight class... When I am building it, I have the fight class rotation working fine, then I add Lava Lash to it, and nothing works right. Once I remove Lava Lash, it is still not doing anything properly.
  10. AWESOME IDEA! Definitely deserved caps on that one. We need more members, hopefully some get active in the classes/profiles!
  11. Also, only works on single line. Using the LUA on multiple lines caused an issue.
  12. Thank you very much! I was getting close to the solution, LUA scripts can make fight classes so much more effective. And I'm slowly getting a handle on it. :)
  13. Also having issues with checking for totems. I added a screenshot that shows the returns (with and without an active totem) but not sure how to check that return with WRobot.
  14. Just wondering if anyone knows a way to check for Windfury buff on weapons for Enhancement Shamans. I can't think of anything and can't seem to get any LUA scripts to work. Edit: retV = GetWeaponEnchantInfo("hasMainHandEnchant") is the LUA I am running. Currently, it is working (if I set it to only cast if retV = 1, it won't cast), but doing /run print (GetWeaponEnchantInfo("hasMainHandEnchant")) returns nil nil nil nil and checking for nil doesn't work.
  15. Ohren

    Metamorphosis won't cast.

    Also having issues with Life Tap.
  16. The Demonology spell Metamorphosis will not cast for some reason. I have checked to see if it shares and ID with any other spells, and it does not.
  17. What conditions are you running on Rain of Fire?
  18. I personally think combat is the way to go for botting. Sub requires too much backstab.. xP It's currently 55 degrees here in Michigan though, so I'm probably going to spend most of today riding my bike after I change the oil on it. Work is starting to slow down, so I will have time to work on fight classes more.
  19. As of right now, I won't be making any healing profiles since AoE can't be done efficiently. As soon as I come up with a way, I'll be making a H.Priest and R.Druid fight class.
  20. That doesn't work with all professions, actually, I think it only works with JCing. xP
  21. I've never used Icy Veins... so not sure. But unless you're doing a raid rotation, most procs aren't really needed.
  22. Also, check out Noxxic, they help me get rotations and priorities for my fight classes on characters I don't know very well (and even some I do). But to add this feature to the bot, seems like something that should be very low on the list of requested features. xP
  23. So Raging Blow, with the condition Buff -> Enrage -> True, will only fire when you proc enrage.
  24. Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas actuellement une classe de chevalier de la mort impie. (Google translator)
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