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Everything posted by nekromius

  1. Seems like google drive link expired and crack isn't working anymore :)
  2. Anyway about honordubby,bosslan is huge and they have alot of employers who work on their products,wrobot has only droidz who prioritise fixing and adding new features to the bot over the profiles..so the only way to get profiles its creating them by yourself or hope that someone from this small comunity will create them and release .
  3. what do u mean doesnt work?
  4. in case u are interested to buy
  5. there is no 1-110 questing profiles.only 1-70 so far by arcangelo and eeny but its not free.
  6. i doesn't ,i've tryed that it still launches battlenet..atleast for me. Let us know if u find a way to launch it from original exe tho:)
  7. Valhalla have their launcher that patches the client it has 2 options 32,64 bit but both launch in 64 bit for me..after patch if u try to launch the original wow exe it starts battlenet .
  8. Realmlist were removed before legion, i haven't found a way to launch it in 32bit mode. But i am not 100% sure that it can't be done.
  9. Version 1.0.0


    Tested on atlantiss
  10. Posted 13 minutes ago · Report post You should be able to use the original client and just change the connection to the private server. Well u need to launch wow from their launcher ,and it launches only in 64 bit.
  11. also it won't work there because they had only 64bit client last time i checked it
  12. valhalla has only dh quest chain working.. i don't think there actually are servers with all quests working even for mop expansion.
  13. no i cant since i already have a key and i am not villing to buy another for someone.
  14. its 3 eur man,are u that poor that u can't afford a 3 day key?
  15. not complex fight classes are really easy to do,u can do it yourself
  16. Is the information provided with that option is for the retail content or its like (wotlk) when i use wotlk version of a bot?
  17. easy profile maker is not easy at all :D
  18. if u are about 1-80 hb profiles they are not done,there are only couple quests in them
  19. cata questing won't work on wotlk anyway
  20. it doesn't work right now but maybe droidz will make it compatible
  21. i don't know but if u need it for lvling u can ask in chat to create one .
  22. probably they are for another expansion (wod)
  23. Also i notice that once it skinned a boar that someone killed Wow freakz server gives (failed attemp) first time when u try to skin the mob,maybe this is the problem?but bot doesnt even start skinning
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