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wolerix reacted to Jasabi in Battlegrounder
did you guys remove the "Dont queue if im not party leader"?
please dont bot obviously in bgs ;)
wolerix reacted to triyo in Battlegrounder
I have the same problem Droidz, installed Slimdx (closed WRobot before installing) then opened the wrobot but the bot does nothing, it wont Queue the npc's but if i manually que it will join and play as normal. (my log looks the same as wolerix) also tried to disabled all my addons but did not work.
wolerix reacted to tonycali in Warmane Bans
like a year ago when i played on warmane lordaeron i botted up 3 million gold in 3 weeks then got banned after a warning they actually gave me a warning to stop botting but i did it anyways. They did ban my main who i didn't bot on though. So ya you will need a VPN or proxy socks5.
wolerix reacted to Droidz in Come back to the starter aera for sell
Hello, try to reset your settings
wolerix reacted to Droidz in Profil pour woltk 3.3.5
Le produit "Automaton" restera dans la même zone (vous devez changement de zone manuellement). Avec le produit "Grinder", il est possible que le profil contienne plusieurs zone (WRobot change de zone quand le niveau de la zone actuelle est dépassé).
Il est possible de vendre/réparer automatiquement avec les deux produits, il vous suffit d'ajouter le vendeur/réparateur a votre profil (ou dans la "NPC DB" onglet "Tools") et de configurer la vente/réparation dans les paramètre avancé (Advanced general settings).