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Everything posted by gigi

  1. Bot doesn't work . Stays on idle for no reason please any help ? Log attach6 Nov 2017 00H06.log.htmled 6 Nov 2017 00H07.log.html
  2. I posted the log
  3. 12 Sep 2017 16H23.log.html
  4. Hey hello, I have a big problem I use Wrobot on my pc with windows 10 . I use it for private server TBC ... however I didn't have any problem but now I have a real problem when I tried to launch it on win xp on vmware , win xp with x86 .. I installed net frame 4.0 , direct x , slim directx , vcredist_x86... wow is working , pingzapper is working . It just doesn't start even if I try the no DX version, please u got any ideea ? Thanks
  5. Hey hello, I have a big problem I use Wrobot on my pc with windows 10 . I use it for private server TBC ... however I didn't have any problem but now I have a real problem when I tried to launch it on win xp on vmware , win xp with x86 .. I installed net frame 4.0 , direct x , slim directx , vcredist_x86... wow is working , pingzapper is working . It just doesn't start even if I try the no DX version, please u got any ideea ? Thanks
  6. bot don't drink or eat after update
  7. confirm the bot don't drink or eat after update
  8. just updated and the bot doesn't work once again ...it seems it doesn't drink and attack without spells ... its again broken
  9. hey the problem is not solved yet even with the new update ... the bot still doesn't grind properly .. it walks 2 yards stops then it goes to every wall ... dunno please fix
  10. the bot can't be used atm .. is too bugged waiting for new update in order to fix :)
  11. gigi

    New update BUGGY

    Hey guys , I just did the new update today and after the updated everything goes wrong. The bot doesn't follow the path, doesn't tag and kill mobs as before.. everything is ruined quester , grinding :)... I use 2.4.3 version of the bot
  12. the new updated bugged questing , grinding everything..... ffs
  13. Hello, I wanna buy a questing/grinding profile for HORDE that works 1-70 on warmane outland. If possible with mage , druid fightclass .
  14. Hello, I am using wrobot for WOTLK 3.3.5a and I have a warlock. I tried all fight classes and on all of them my warlock just uses the shadowbolt spell..... I tried to create my own fightclass and the same ... same with my mage - fireball ... and now at lvl 6 the mobs kill me only with shadowbolt .. what fightclass do I have to use in order to use corruption , immolate all the spells ? Thanks!!
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