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Everything posted by 2wheels

  1. Here was the most recent one [Debug] 12:05 - Log file created: 21 Feb 2013 12H05.log.html [Debug] 12:05 - D3D11 used [Debug] 12:05 - Operating System Details: Microsoft Windows NT 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 [Normal] 12:05 - Select game process: 4412 - Set... [Normal] 12:05 - Initializing SpellBook - (Wait few seconds) [Normal] 12:05 - Initialize SpellBook Finished (185 spell found) [Normal] 12:05 - Initialize Grinder Complete [Fight] 12:05 - Loading Fight class: C:\Users\Steve\Desktop\WRobot\FightClass\Warrior-Arms.xml [Error] 12:05 - Deserialize(String path, object @object)#2: System.InvalidOperationException: Unable to generate a temporary class (result=1). error CS0019: Operator '!=' cannot be applied to operands of type 'string' and 'int' at System.Xml.Serialization.Compiler.Compile(Assembly parent, String ns, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters xmlParameters, Evidence evidence) at System.Xml.Serialization.TempAssembly.GenerateAssembly(XmlMapping[] xmlMappings, Type[] types, String defaultNamespace, Evidence evidence, XmlSerializerCompilerParameters parameters, Assembly assembly, Hashtable assemblies) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateTempAssembly(XmlMapping xmlMapping, Type type, String defaultNamespace) at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer..ctor(Type type, String defaultNamespace) at robotManager.Helpful.XmlSerializer.Deserialize[T](String path) [Error] 12:05 - static void LoadCcScript(string pathCc, bool settingOnly): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. at wManager.Wow.Helpers.FightClassCreator.FightClassHelpers.ToCSharpCode(FightClass fightClass) at wManager.Wow.Helpers.CustomClass.LoadCcScript(String pathCc, Boolean settingOnly) [Normal] 12:05 - Start Grinder Complete [Normal] 12:05 - Select zone: Sommet de Kun-Lai [Debug] 12:05 - Spell(string spellName): spellName=Battle Pet Training, Id found: 119467, Name found: Battle Pet Training, NameInGame found: Battle Pet Training, know = True [Error] 12:05 - Error injection [Normal] 12:05 - Stop Grinder Complete [Normal] 12:06 - Stop Grinder Complete [Normal] 12:06 - Stop Grinder Complete [Normal] 12:06 - Dispose Grinder Complete
  2. This is the fight class im using for the warrior I haven't tried other classes to see if the error persist on them. The grinder profile Im using is the default one in Kun Lai Summit. Not the beach but the other one.
  3. You can just turn off the mind/herb by going to the options and unchecking it.
  4. Getting this message when I try to load a grinding profile on my warrior. Was working fine before the update.
  5. The Ruins of Dojan is decent, but not where I want to finish 88-90. The beach one is really bad. I had to remove the crabs from the profile because it would just stay underwater attacking them and drown. It also attacks the gnolls on the beach but pulls 4-5 constantly and being 87, my warrior just can't handle it. I haven't tried the other one yet. Anyone, have anything else for MOP grinding?
  6. Hmmm, I have both keys in their though, do I manually need to select which key I want to use? It also doesnt always let me choose. I just opened up 2 bots and I didnt get an option that shows the serial numbers. UPDATE: I get the option to end the key when I launch the app from the folder but if I use the shortcut I don't get the option. So I launched both from folder, not using short cut and manually clicked one key, then the other key after launching again. They both stay open when I do it like that. Any reason why i cant choose a key from the shortcut?
  7. Here is a recent log I just got a few min ago. I find it weird it was working for most of the day then suddenly not working. I also find it weird I dont have this issue when I launch the bot from two different folders. [Navigator] 13:08 - Path Count: 3 [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Battle Stance (Battle Stance) [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Mortal Strike (Mortal Strike) [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Thunder Clap (Thunder Clap) [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Battle Stance (Battle Stance) [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Slam (Slam) [Fight] 13:08 - Cast Mortal Strike (Mortal Strike) [Normal] 13:08 - Loot Venture Co. Ruffian [Error] 13:08 - Connection error, close bot. **edited by twizt3dkitty** [Error] 13:08 - System.Char[] [Normal] 13:08 - Stop Grinder Complete [Normal] 13:08 - Stop Grinder Complete [Normal] 13:08 - Dispose Grinder Complete
  8. I have 2 keys and it was working fine for most of the day today.
  9. I have Wrobot apps open and running. After a couple mins one will close though. It was working fine all day today. Going to try downloading another wrobot and launch from a separate folder. Update: They both remain open but this only works when I launch from separate folders.
  10. On 3 days played with the 1-85 BoA,s and destroying mobs in just a few second, also have RAF and Im only level 74. I guess i really can't complain since Im not doing much of the work but by no means is that fast.
  11. Twiz Im going to send you a PM about what blizzard did for me. I don't want to post it on the forums just in case they are reading it.
  12. I havent touched any of the custom settings yet.
  13. Its hard to tell because I have used it only with a elemental shaman. So even when its in range it still want to keep stopping and going until it is really close then it starts to attack.
  14. email is still good to go. Just weird.
  15. I don't use relogger. I have my email saved for quick use when I login into wow. However after being DCed from 1 account then the other few seconds later the check box on the login screen of wow that saves your email was unchecked and 1 account had some email I never seen before and the other account had a different email I have never seen before. the fact I got DCed while playing makes me think it was something trying to log into my account. I was also only botting one account at the time while manually playing the other. Not sure. i went through a bunch of extra steps to change things around, so hopefully if it was hacked they seen I have an authenticator and just moved thinking it wasn't worth there trouble. I wasn't blaming Wrobot. I was just wondering if others have seen an unknown email in their login after getting disconnected.
  16. So I had my accounts running tonight. All of a sudden both were disconnected. After going back to the login screen they both had different emails that I had never seen. It wasnt my usual email that I have saved. So I ran a virus scan and it came up clean. I have been playing this game for 8 years. I want to ask the GM more about it but I dont know if that will bring attention to my account. I also have an authenticator, so that help but it still has me worried. Any advice or have you heard of something like this before?
  17. I thought the way it stops and goes, stops and goes was just how bots work. This is my first time using one so I can't compare it to others but that is also how mine reacts if I have grinder on one and party bot on the other.
  18. Simple question. Why do you bot? For me, I enjoy playing end game content across different characters. Im not interested in the gold making potential or anything. I just despise leveling. The end product that blizzard has such as raids, challenge modes, heroics and PvP is what keeps me paying them a monthly fee. Investing the time to level manually actually makes me not want to play. If blizzard sold max level characters they would be making a lot more money off me. I know most people and blizzard don't understand where Im coming from and Im just seen as a botter and a destroyer of the community/game but having ALTS to play with after the main is done raiding for the week is fun for me.
  19. Do bots break every patch? Should you stay off them for a few days to make sure nothing in terms of security came out with the patch that might detect it? Just wondering.
  20. Thanks for the options!
  21. Doesnt party bot with a resto druid profile do this?
  22. <p>Just being a little greedy, but it can't hurt to ask! Is there a discount on buying a second bot? I never used the code from the forums I found the link to this site from, but I remember it being 5 bucks off or something like that. It may have even been an outdated code since I seen the 7 day free trial was out dated as well. Anyway, just wanted to know! :) Wrobot is 15 euros, which worked out to $20 and some change for the US citizens
  23. That sounds about right on with mine twizted. Im on 32 hours played with RAF triple exp, BOA head, helm and legs but only sitting at 48
  24. Still looking for some of those great tips of yours creative on the 1-80 grind. No love for your Maryland buddy?
  25. Is it true blizzard can detect that Im looking at this website while my game WoW game is running? Cause Im always on this site while WoW is running.
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