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Everything posted by knights

  1. Need some assistance in coding, I wish to use RunCode in Quester for the bottom For example I want to move to the NPC, "Lake Frog" to be exact.. ID = 33211 So the location is not fixed. I stumbled across the below while going through the wManager resource. Any example? I am trying to complete "A Blade Fit for a Champion" but the issue would be the bot would not move to the Frog that it is blowing a kiss. How do I get the bot to move to the frog? The code below is for my RunCode while (!Quest.GetLogQuestIsComplete(13673)) { ItemsManager.UseItem(44986); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/tar Lake"); wManager.Wow.Helpers.Lua.RunMacroText("/kiss"); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(10000); // wait 10 sec } able to use the below code? Thank you!
  2. Do not Sell is not selling.. you should only put those that you do not want to sell in the left box
  3. Did you try to set the options in Advance Settings? I think you have to tick grey, white and green for it to work.. might be an issue, but it worked for me at least. Put in those white that you do not want to sell though....
  4. maybe you would like to attached some logs?
  5. Hi, Is there any condition to check if a quest is completed? For example IsQuestCompleted(12345) or (!IsQuestCompleted(12345) Couldnt locate anything on it. Thank you
  6. how do I assign {Shift} or {Control} + W?
  7. It seems like it. I did a lot of test and it just keeps casting Healing Touch. Attached is the simplified profile that I tried to narrow down the issue. FeralTestHealingTouchBug.xml
  8. Before the patch, the fight class was working fine, but after the patch, I found that the bot has been casting Healing Touch before combat and casting it even when Predatory Swiftness is not present. Below is the block of code.. <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>Buff</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Predatory Swiftness</Name> <Need>true</Need> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Healing Touch</SpellName> <Debug>true</Debug> <CastOnSelf>true</CastOnSelf> <CastOn>player</CastOn> </FightClassSpell>
  9. Something simple that I've edited from the demo profile by Droidz. I assume that your grinder vectors is to pull all the mobs. So I did not break it up. You will need to do some work to find out the coordinates of the entrance, exit and the mapID as I do not have enough subscription to check the area... [Dungeon]BloodmaulSlagmine.xml
  10. Which dungeon you are referring to? Might not be able to create the full profile, but could try..
  11. Each dungeon is different, making bot pause would require Quester rather than Grinder. I might be wrong though. May want to try using Quester.
  12. What do you want to do? Just dash when traveling?
  13. I see what you meant. The portion about skinning is still there. The option that you hghlighted was to skin or mine or harvest mob. Which I could. Just do not want the skinning part. If the option is not on, the bot will not do anything else after looting.
  14. The option for the bot for skinning the mob is together with mining and harvesting. Is there a way to separate them? I've only have mining and it is quite time consuming and it is not right to see the bot standing in a pile of corpse trying to skin all the skinable mobs then moving off to the next spot. Thanks
  15. You may want to read this.... http://wrobot.eu/forums/topic/3247-blacklist-logic/#comment-14899
  16. Tried this but it doesn't seems to work. I would like to get the bot to clear the current target and find others instead. After using Iron Trap, the mob becomes untargetable but the bot still tries to attack it. With the ClearTarget, the bot just stays there waiting for it to disappear before searching for another target. Is there a clear last target memory for the wRobot?
  17. Hahaha.. ok... so there is a bug here... sigh
  18. Thank you! but how do I get the coordinates for the areas in Grim Batol? It keeps running off the edge to get to the other side...
  19. May I ask how does the blacklist logic work? For example, if I want to prevent the movement manager to walk off a cliff or go into an area, where should I be blacklisting? Should I blacklist all the spots that marked X?
  20. <IsCompleteCondition>return (ObjectManager.Me.Position.Distance2D(new Vector3(-574.0182, -531.6815, 891.1976)) &lt; 10));</IsCompleteCondition> DId I miss something here? What does the f behind the vectors means?
  21. Is there a way to stop attacking the current target once a buff is detected? For example target is stunned, then bot will clear the target
  22. Thanks, got it to work! Had some trouble due to the quotes..
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