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  1. Hey, I used the following Lua script instead of the pre-defined "Chi" in the Fighting Class: Add as Condition 'Lua Script': Chi = UnitPower("player", 12); if (Chi >=4) then retV = "1" else retV = "0" end [Return value research]: 1 [Return value var]: retV You can change the Chi >=4 in brackets to whatever you want. Chi > 1 or Chi = 3, works with all operators. If you have any questions I can also send you my WW monk profile. Works like a charm
  2. getting 3.4 million xp/hour with a 87 (very overequipped) feral. ilvl 471 spear of xuen weapon and a few blue ilvl450 items :D.
  3. Hi, i got it working with adding the Trainer to the NPC Database. But i can select if the trainer is accessible by flying mount or not. The trainer is in a building, so when i select flying the bot trys to fly from outside through the roof and that of course does not work. So when i select False for flying, it tries to go there by ground mount and that takes sooo long. My question here is (besides looking for a trainer in the open): Is it possible to fly near the trainer and then ride or walk the rest. Like adding new coordinates where to land or something. Or maybe there is a way and i am just doing it wrong.
  4. Yea del does nothing. And i got an error message when i wanted to add a target to Blacklist. When i add it does show the number in the window and when i close it i'll get this error. looks like the path is set for windows/system32 when it should be something like Programs/WRobot or whereever the folder is located.
  5. I never had this. Only thing i see sometimes bot trying to attack Mobs that are not attackable (NPCs in battlegrounds or something). And i am quite active lately :D
  6. in your Fightclass profile (for whatever class you play) you can add a Spell called: RunMacroText("/targetenemyplayer") and for the condition when to use that, you put: Target Is Player - FALSE. Then whenever it targets a nonplayer unit (pet totem vehicle) it uses /targetenemyplayer and should have a player in target if there is one in range. I use it with affliction warlock profile, because it kinda sucked to try putting up dots on a totem for minutes and totems are immune to dots lol :D edit: forgot to mention you have to set "not spell, is lua script" TRUE in the spell settings (it is at the bottom).
  7. Actually blacklisting zone did work a bit, i tried a lot of different range radius. Now it only stops like once every 10 minutes for 20 seconds or so. I can live with that, but still not possible to ignore the target completely, although i cannot even attack it.
  8. Unfortunately the horse is lvl 85 and the mobs around it 85 too. The place is too small for zone blacklisting, it is actually a very small area and the horses are directly between the mobs. It works a bit with targetenemy macro when i have the horse in target. But it slows farming down a lot. Would be alot smoother if the bot would not even try to attack the horse which is unattackable anyway :/. I am running out of ideas how to avoid this
  9. anyone a solution for this? It's a crazy farming spot for gold/embersilk and even possible to push twink exp. I tried /targetenemy when i have the unattackable horse in target. But it keeps retargeting it and then the bot just wants to use fightclass rotation on the horse. If it is possible to ignore that mob it would be great to farm there :/. Really hoping that someone can come up with a solution
  10. I use RunMacroText("/targetenemyplayer") with condition: Target is player - FALSE in the fightclass. Does its job as far as i have watched it. Although you no longer kill vehicles in some bgs :D.
  11. Hi, I got a Problem. When I use Grinder profile I manually add target ID of the mobtype that I want to attack. But in that area there are mobs which are hostile but cannot be attacked by the player. (http://www.wowhead.com/npc=47457 horse) Since I cannot blacklist them, the bot gets stuck and trys to fight/use spells on the mob which it cannot attack. Any solution for this problem? Hope there is way to fix it, because it happens very often in the area where I want to use the grinder. Shai
  12. Hey, I looked in the forums for this, there was one topic about it but i could not find the settings in the grinder profile where i could blacklist a certain mob(ID). Hope someone can help me here, cause my grinder profile is desperately targetting flying hawk mobs that are way out of reach :D. thanks!
  13. I forgot to mention what glyphs I am using.
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