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  1. Hi, I cannot get Boulderfist to recognize and be utilized on any fight class. I attached a screen of where I noticed it shows I don't know it although it is chosen as a talent, and where it doesn't auto populate in the Fight Class Designer drop down. I had to add it manually from the Spell api list. Is anyone experiencing this issue as well? I searched Boulderfist on the forums and nothing popped up so I figured I would ask before posting a bug. To note: I have dropped and repicked multiple times, switched specs, etc. Any help is appreciated.
  2. Version 1


    A fresh 100 pally spec protection. No talent abilities, I'm just using passive as a lazy leveler. I also did not have the prot artifact yet but I'll update it when I get it. The damage rotation works fairly well but the deep mitigation and healing abilities probably need to be tuned.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    This is a profile for Blood Elves on the WotLK 3.3.5a version. What it does: Quests all but one quest before leaving the starter island. Gets you to at least level 5 1-click Sells trash when enabled Repairs when enabled What it doesn't do: Doesn't train new skills. Doesn't do the class quest. Skips the item-generated quest due to a bug on the server (Tainted Arcane Sliver). Doesn't equip the new bag from quest. Doesn't always choose correct quest rewards for char type. Look out for: It may or may not get hung on Felendren the Banished. I couldn't figure out how to stop targeting the same mob when that part of the quest objective was complete. Worst case it will continue to pull mobs before it gets to the top. Full bags will stop you on item gathering quests. Slow spawns The quest order isn't optimized. You can rearrange them in the editor.
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