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  1. Hi, I've been having problems on my relogger to get to work. Back then I was able to use relogger no problem but now all it does it just keeps on open/closing the wrobot program. I am using windows 10 and yes I already installed a new Wrobot and deleted my old one. Whenever i start relogger it'll just open my WoW clients but im stuck at the login screen.. it doesnt even type the account name/password and the wrobot program opens for like 3-5 secs then automatically closes. If I use wrobot manually, it works and have zero problems with it. Only relogger is causing problems. Pls see attached file. Thank you. 29 Jun 2021 03H17.log.html
  2. Version 1.0.0


    WotLK only. Felwood herb 240 - 315. Both factions okay.
  3. Version 1.0.0


    WotLK only. Herbalism 150 - 240. Both factions okay.
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