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fragik reacted to Sophie_ in Schedule product question
Hey, i got a question about schedule product, can you use the schedule product to switch profile every X hours? For example:
I use my Stornheim profile from 2 pm to 4 pm
At 4 pm i would like to change to my Azsuna profile automatically and use it for a couple of hours too. Is this possible?
fragik reacted to Fizzcrank in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
You can:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<GathererProfileAdvanced xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 5.xml" MaxTime="19" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 2.xml" MaxTime="19" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 6.xml" MaxTime="19" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 4.xml" MaxTime="19" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 3.xml" MaxTime="19" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
<GathererProfileAdvancedTask ProfilePath="Vofw Normal 1.xml" MaxTime="25" MaxMiningLevel="-1" MaxHerbalismLevel="-1" />
Here it runs different Valley of the four winds profiles for 19 minutes, and finally 25 min. But as already said you can use relogger.
fragik reacted to eeny in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
If it makes you feel any better- its only been around a few months... it is the shit however.
have fun playing with the new toy.
fragik reacted to da8ball in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Ok, now I feel stupid. I have been using Wrobot for over 3 years and I never saw this file. When you guys mentioned Relogger, I tought you meant the Relogger TAB on the General Settings.
EDIT: And yes, I just tested it, you can do it without any wait, no need to close wrobot.
fragik reacted to da8ball in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
That just solves changing zone with determined levels, not timers.
fragik reacted to waldodamon in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Try checking here and reading all the way to the bottom, look at all the screen captures:
Of course too, eeny was cool enough to literally make a Relogger tutorial video found here:
I don't mean any disrespect to da8ball in what I am about to say, but by my guess, we are dealing with A) in this particular case. This is why I posted the links I did, hopefully this clears things up for you, 8ball.
P.S. Also, just in case you are unaware, in the Gathering tool of the bot, actually I believe (without seeing the bot in front of me) it's in either General settings or the "Advanced" portion of General settings, there is an option to "use taxi" or something to that effect. This basically means that, if you ran profile "x" for 20 minutes, the bot logs out, logs back in whenever you set it to, loads profile "y" this time, the bot will take the according flight master. boat, zeppelin, whatever it needs to do to get to the area where the new profile is located. It's a very smart bot like that. :)
fragik reacted to eeny in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
ok... so watch the re-logger tutorial and make a re-logger entry/profile for your character and give it several tasks
First task is easy- enter the type of task, profile used, fight class and how long you want it to run.
in this case- some grind profile in aszuna i use to skin, 35-40 mins To make this bulletproof i would put a wait in (you can try without- it will still prob work). a wait of 1 min will close wrobot and not WoW client... after 60 seconds wrobot will start up again. and run the next step. Gatherer for 60-70 mins Wait1 min quester dailys 60-70 mins Wait 210-280 mins Loop Thats how i would do it. @da8ball you are in charge of testing if this works without the wait of if you need to close wrobot fully closer with a wait to work.
fragik reacted to Fizzcrank in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
You can do that, check this post from droidz.
fragik reacted to Hapiguy in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
People don't run it because:
A) they're not very experienced with wRobot, and they're unsure of how to correctly set it up
B) they're paranoid because they have to enter account name/pw/etc.
Which is goofy, because you shouldn't be botting on an account you're afraid to lose, anyways...
My 2 cents.
fragik reacted to da8ball in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
I still dont get it how you can change a gatherer file to move zones with Relogger and Schedule. The settings don't let you do that. I can change products, like gather for 30 min and then do BGs for 10 then Pet battles, relog, use hearthstone, etc, but I cant gather Starlight Rose in Suramar for 1 hour and then gather Aethril ins Azsuna for another.
fragik reacted to eeny in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
relogger... relogger always.
just make a run entry for each task you want to run... you can put in waits between for after- it can handle the random run times, it can handle wow closes and crashes. I honestly dont know why people dont run it.
This would be 2 mins to set up in relogger
fragik reacted to NvD in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
If believe you want something like this, to set up in Schedule page:
- gather - foxflower profile - 20 min
- gather - starlight rose profile - 20 min
- grinder - dreamleaf profile - 20 min
I want also something like this.
At the moment in Schedule.xml file we have only the product name and not the actual file that will be used:
Dont think we can achieve this using relogger, any advice anyone?
fragik reacted to DDXC in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Hi Guys,
I am aware we have a schedule product which you can select to run different events at a specific time. Such as Gatherer, Quester...grinder etc.
However what I want to do is run multiple Gatherer events, but use different gather profiles.
For example at Suramar, I custom made 10 profiles to cover all corners of Suramar, I dont want to run in a large circle over and over again, I want to use 1 profile for 20 min, then the next profile for 20 min...etc
fragik reacted to da8ball in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Would you care to elaborate? How would you change which Gatherer profile to use each time?
fragik reacted to Tele in How to Schedule Gatherer Profiles
Use the Relogger, it is located in your Wrobot folder.
fragik reacted to rambochuck in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Olá pessoal, estou precisando de ajuda pra fazer para fazer download dos profiles e das questers pois estou jogando de mago e não consigo achar um desses ideal pra ele pois quero upalo.
Exixte algum profile que faça aqueles testes de guarnição de bronze, prata e ouro?
Obrigado desde já!
fragik reacted to da8ball in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Não existe perfil para teste bronze, prata e ouro.
fragik reacted to AlexSantos in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Desculpe por postar aqui. na próxima vou criar um novo tópico.
1ª) Ele faz a primeira rotação e para.
2ª) rogue assassin.
3ª) Mais uma vez desculpa e obrigado.
fragik reacted to da8ball in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Ele faz a rotação e para em qualquer situação? Você que criou a fight class ou baixou daqui? Se baixou, qual foi?
Coloque seu log anexado, por favor.
fragik reacted to AlexSantos in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Tu tinha baixado aqui, mas o problema foi resolvido. O autor corrigiu o problema.
fragik reacted to AlexSantos in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Olá a todos.
Estou tendo problema na hora que entra em combate em qualquer modo. O personagem inicia o confronto mas ele para de usar as habilidade e fica só no ataque básico e acaba morrendo varias vezes.
Alguma ideia do que pode ser?
Agradeço a ajuda de todos.
fragik reacted to da8ball in Ajuda com os Profiles e Questers
Ele PARA de usar habilidades ou NUNCA usa?
Qual Fight Class você está usando?
Da próxima vez, crie um tópico novo por favor.