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Everything posted by Drwolftech

  1. Working now after the update! BTW, its safe to bot now? The bot is detected or not?
  2. After this morning update the client get an error and close everytime the bot try to hook. Any ideas why?
  3. Thx, i will try this fix.
  4. Yes, but i use xml fight class for every class i play. I will try another fight class.
  5. I have more than 6 chars and none of them lags while raiding, i get 60 fps+ on ultra. But when i play my death knight on raids, only on raids, my screen freezes and only go back when the fight is over. I tested closing the bot and starting the game normaly and the game dont freeze. Dont even lag. Only when i have the bot on. Again, this only happens in raids and playing as dk frost.
  6. Im having big lag spikes on 32 bits in raids. Tested alot, and i dont lag with the 64bits client, only 32 bits. No chances we get the 64 bits version before the expansion right?
  7. @Droidz I came back to the game and tryed for more than 2 h make my MM hunter work but the bot is not recognising the markings targets buff to cast Multi-Shot and ARcane Shot. Im using for arcane shot and multi-shot the string => wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(223138) And he keep casting arcane shot over and over again He dont cast Aimed shot on the target when i use the string => wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.BuffTimeLeft(new List<uint> { 187131 }) >= 1900 And dont cast marked shot on targets qhen i use the string =P wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Target.HaveBuff(185365) What im doing wrong?
  8. There is any way to add the fight class profile to block the bot to control the movement?
  9. Im working hard to get all my fight classes updated, but i have to level all my alts first to get them working perfectly. I'm using the icy-veins guides to make the profiles do the max dps output, while using all defensive and moving cooldowns. Normaly the bot play the game better than me while using the profiles, lol. I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate. Paypal Donate
  10. Version 2.0.0


    All my Profiles i try to make the bot looks like human, and use every single skill available. This profiles is not diferent. He will do elites, packs of mobs, pvp, everything optimal and dont waisting big cooldowns in a single mob. Keep in mind that my profiles is in constant update as i play the character and make adjustments. I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate. Paypal Donate
  11. Version 1.0.2


    Use the optimized Talents on the Picture Optimized for leveling and pvp with defensive and survival actions! Can be used on dungeon too! Max dps Output! I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate. Paypal Donate
  12. I made this work with a simpler way, just add a condition "cooldown enabled" and set true. It will only cast when have 2 stacks full, and no cooldown.
  13. Enginering Shield tinker on belt
  14. This fight class was tunned for PVE max dps output, and for that we dont use pets. Thats why i didnt added mend pet and pet fetch. And healing pot on pve shares the cooldown with dps potions, thats why i didnt used. But feel free to adapt this fight class to your need.
  15. I didnt leveled my DK so i didnt updated this profile, when i start leveling my dk i will update here.
  16. Dont work, because it checks the buff on your character, not the stack of the skill on your skill bar.
  17. I normaly only use disengage on pvp, most of the time i turn off too.
  18. Thx, im just releasing what i do to my personal use.
  19. Farming yes, but in dungeons with alot of aoe targets, barrage do so much better.
  20. Sidewinders (mm hunter) have 2 stacks, and i need the condition to dont let reach 2 stacks, always cast when reach 2 stacks. or even better, cast it when is about to reach 2 stacks.
  21. @Droidz Sidewinders isnt working indeed, i managed to make the fightclass cast it via RunMacroText("/cast Sidewinders"), but if you simply write the skill name it wont cast it.
  22. @Droidz we really need you help on this. The bot dont recognise that can walk on water, even with the option on, he find a land to toss the bobber. Sometimes he stay too far from the pool and dont make a suceful casting, trying over and over again.
  23. Version 1.1.3


    Use the optimized Talents on the Picture Black Arrow Working Optimized for Dungeons and Raids PVE, but you can use for leveling and pvp because has all the defensive and survival actions! Max dps Output! I will never charge for my profiles, if you like it please donate. Paypal Donate
  24. Every time i use the party bot, i watch to see if everything goes great, but the bot doesnt let us to controll the char to move out from danger things. We could have an option to controll the char freely, as long we dont move more than x yards always from the target we are following.
  25. No, sometimes it happens when the fish pool is too close to the ground, the bot keep trying to send the bobber into the pool and fails. And about the facing the wrong position is completly random, sometimes the bot even face backwards.
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