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Posts posted by KevinVapes

  1. 11 hours ago, Runaro said:

    Der Bot existiert seit 2013 und ist auch seitdem Undetected.

    Was nicht heißt, das du NICHT gebannt werden kannst. Es gibt immer noch die Augen anderer Spieler und Playerreports.

  2. 1 hour ago, gh0stfac3 said:

    With one week left on my free 30day wow gametime, with my $10 battlechest. I've managed to hit lvl 85 and climbing and buy 2 wow tokens. This has been my first time ever botting on wow and I'm just so happy that I chose wrobot. Must I say farming for me has been the quickest way for XP to level for me. I have used a couple of profiles from the downloads section but mostly the default gathering profiles. I must say I've had more fun with this then two seasons I botted awhile back on d3. I will defiantly be buying the lifetime sub when my month runs out. I just wanted to give you guys my success stories as I'd like to call it.

    Love reviews like this! Especially when its about retail-servers, not private servers. I recently started with WRobot too. My Botting-Acc is still "Starteredition" but i will get the 10€ Battlechest also. What did you exactly "farm" to gain 2 WoW-Tokens? Im really interested, so you basically just grinded to lvl 85. Is that enough too get the tokens? I doubt it, the tokens (at my side) cost about 85K Gold.

    Nice text!

  3. Hey guys,

    sometimes it happens that my WRobot just crashes. Not while botting, more while i edit profiles, settings etc. if that happens i need to kill it and cant just start it backup because of Error "Please select game Process and connect to the game". Is this maybe an anti-detection mechanism? Are there any logfiles i can check. I use Win7 Professional 64bit, WoWclient is set to 32bit, and all needed programms for Wrobot are installed.

    Thank yall in advance!

    EDIT: Found the logs, but no hints there what happened. Mostly contains data from game/settings.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Runaro said:

    And set the priority higher of the spell.

    Well my range is already 30, so are my FPS. Priority of Spells is "Fireblast:2, Frostfirebolt:1", i dont get the idea of setting one of those higher than this, but i could try.

    7 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    Great text. Took me a while to read it all but this is one of the best reviews we can expect! Some change from the people who just say "it won't work help!" 

    Texts like mine, i was searching before, but you only hear crying nowadays "this is not like HB whine!!!11", so i know what you mean. Thank you!

  5. Hey guys,

    i want to share my frist impression with WRobot! I think this is a good idea, especially for new members.

    So i will start with my setup. I created a new WoW-Licence on my BNet-Acc (which only goes till lvl 20, but should be enough to test) and created a LvL 1 Bloodelf-Mage. I was setting up a simple grinder profile with a few hotspots here and there and of course my lousy Fightclass with just one Frostfirebolt. To my suprise, there were really no problems whatsoever, because i play on a german client and thought about some language issues - great! Grinding to Level 5 till i wanted to try a little experiment. You know the little Area in the Startingarea of the bloodelves with the Ghosts on top? The area is really splitted up and is built like a few platforms here and there, name should be "Academy of...bla" in english. Its really easy to fall off from here. Sorry i only can give you my german names here, which is "Akademie von Falthrien". Ive set new hotspots, added a vendor and pressed Play. He mounted up (Chaffeur) went to the area and flawlessly began to kill the mobs there no pathing problems at all nothing. The only funny thing is, sometimes the bot jumps out of random and starts to fall down into the water. I dont know why that happens sometimes but it doesnt really bother me, since the bot goes straight up again and keeps killing. If the inventory is full, he goes to my added vendor - sells everything and goes back to my hotspots. This was all set up in 5 minutes. The bot is indeed really capable of more, its up to you which profiles you create. And if you are not new to computers and have a little programming skills you are even capable of more. I think i will have lots of fun in the future with this :)

    The only thing that bugs me a little bit is the fact that when the bot takes a Mob in target he does that not with leftclick as it seems, he does it with rightclick everytime. As a caster (Bloodelfmage) this looks kind of stupid, because we use spells not our weapons. So my charakter always pulls out his staff first and then keeps casting frostfirebolt. Doing this over and over, mob for mob, should be looking suspicious for other players. Maybe i did something wrong i dont know, maybe someone has a hint for me here.

    Greetings, KevinVapes!

  6. 2 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Hello, if you play on official wow server you can use wow german client without problem. On private server (old wow versions), it is recommanded to use english wow client to avoid some bugs.

    Okay thats some news now, sure it wont get in trouble with profiles by other communitymembers, which use a diffrent language.client?

  7. 2 hours ago, CaughtUMirin said:

    I use it on live and I like it. The community is small so you will need to educate yourself on the basics of xml and C# (and lua, definitely brush up on lua), but that's a good thing imo because it keeps those away who tend to do dumb shit that would get the bot on Blizz's radar.


    There are a few hiccups with the bot, but nothing I haven't been able to fix with a plugin or whatnot.


    Overall I'm happy with it

    Thanks for the review! Shouldnt be too hard for me to get in those basics, im familiar with programming and what not due to my job as IT-Specialist.

  8. 38 minutes ago, BetterSister said:

    Most are botting on private server yes but there is some who bot on retail... Dunno why not too many is tho

    I know what you say. I mean the community here is pretty small (which is infact not bad at all), but its really strange that just a few use it for Retail. Im not interested in private-servers at all. So if i have purchased a new WoW-Acc (botting only, never would risk my main) and also the bot, i will bot on retail only.

  9. Hi guys,

    if i search for "experience" or "reviews" from WRobot i mostly find users that bot on privateservers. Are here no people that actually bot in todays content on blizzards retail-servers? I highly doubt that everyone is only using WRobot for private-servers.

    Let me hear you success-storys <3

    Best regards!

  10. 27 minutes ago, Seoul said:


    I literally just started looking into botting this week and I wanted to know if it was possible to just try WRobot out even for just a day or 2.

    So far I only tried out Anthraxbot which wasn't that satisfying and I am afraid of using HB and Rebot because of their high ban rate.

    Unfortunately it seems that there is no Trial-Version anymore. Which i find good. So no kiddies or such can easily bot for free and get their asses banned, which may result in a higher banrate than usual. I think you get the idea. You can try it out for 5 Days for 2,99. If it still dont satisfy you, you didnt spend that much money.

  11. Hello dear users of WRobot!

    Before i come to my actual question, no i do not own the bot yet. But i think about purchasing it.

    As i can see the Bot's "language" is english (for settings, profiles etc.) does the client need to be in english too? I play german WoW. Does the bot get in trouble with german mobnames or item names?

    Thanks in advance and best regards!

  12. Just now, Runaro said:

    Ein "gutes" one click grinder Profile?

    Naja, deutlich schneller als ein 1-100 questing Profile. :biggrin:

    Das glaube ich, dazu muss man warscheinlich erstmal selbst auf 1-100 leveln und jeden Schritt recorden, oder irgendwie festhalten.

  13. 5 minutes ago, Runaro said:

    Das stimmt schon, vorallem in den letzten zwei Jahren ist das zur "Regel" geworden..

    Leider existieren keine public 1-100 questing Profile, daher kannst du nur teilweise auf questing Profile zurückgreifen und die restlichen Level müssen via grinding erreicht werden.

    Wie lange dauert es denn einen Charakter auf 100 zu grinden? Mal abgesehen davon das man wohl alle 2-4 Level die Location manuell wechseln muss, da die Mobs zu schwach werden oder?

  14. Just now, Runaro said:

    Ja, es existieren einige Profile in der Profile Section: http://wrobot.eu/files/category/4-profiles/

    Selbstverständlich nicht zu vergleichen mit der Honorbuddy Profile Section, aber die meisten Profile sind sehr einfach zu erstellen.

    Das habe ich damals in meiner aktiven Botter Zeit aufm Retail auch so gehandhabt, aber das ist schon ein paar Jahre her. :biggrin:

    Derzeit botte ich nur auf Private Servern, aber was ich so mit bekommen habe ist, dass Blizzard deutlich härter durch greift.

    Gehe das ganze langsam an und werde nicht zu gierig. :wink:

    Bei Honorbuddy sind die meisten Profile aber nicht kostenlos, wie ich hörte oder?

    Blizzard hat Honorbuddy pervers auf dem Kicker, vorallem den oder die Entwickler dahinter, da gibt es etliche Gerüchte, da er auch die Rechtsstreits weitestgehend gewonnen hat. Angeblich hat er ein Teil des Quellcodes des Bottes an Blizz übergeben. Wird nicht mehr lange dauernd un Honorbuddy ist tot. Die Banthreads überschlagen sich.

    Keine Angst ich werde nicht zu gierig, habe wie gesagt sehr großen Respekt vor sowas. Würde auch erstmal schauen wie er sich so auf 100 hochbotten lässt, da gibt es ja Profile für den jeweiligen Levelbereich. Ich finde es schade das man den Bot nicht kostenlos einmal testen kann, scheint früher ja möglich gewesen zu sein.

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