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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. The stuck there as becouse it should buy something from a vendor. But i have been fixed in a New version :) The bot should do pretty much 1-30 now. But it will not released before 1-60 is done
  2. blizzard warden protection haven't "found" the bot. So if you get banned, you have done something really stupid, like running the same profile as 500 others, or using the same fightclasses so everyone just "happen" to use every spell in a specific order all the time - or simply put the bot in areas where "real" players are running as well.
  3. A little tip: If you add a specific time left on the bot have to do it Between. It does it 99 % of the time. But there are a shit load of bugs in the tbc version spell database
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Just a leveling warlock profile 1-110: Talents: Should do decent DPS and keep you alive pretty much the whole way. GL
  5. It is a very simple combat file you have there :) there are several things you can try: "is spell usable" this way you can check if the other spells are "usable" = ready to be casted. "set a more specific souldshard system" right now it seems like the bot just pick a skill random, as you have like 5-10 spells saying below x shards with max 1 other condition. also a good idea to check for "have pet" in your profile.
  6. If i dont find one with coding knowledge, ill send you a pm
  7. Hmm... I see what you mean. But the bot dont support encrypted profiles (as far as i know) so i guess it would be public at one point anyway. But yeah i might just keep it to myself, and the persons Helping creating/testing it Sendt fra min SM-G935F med Tapatalk
  8. Im fine thanks :) I dont know, i kind of tried it, but instead of Helping, people just Leeched the unfinished profiles. And got 1 bug report, but it dident have enough details so i could fix it.
  9. The way i Came around it with My feral druid, Was just add "is spell usable" as true, and then set it as one of the first spells
  10. Hello guys and girls. I'm in the making of a Alliance Leveling profile, and I am looking for some testers to help me make it run 100% AFK (A person with some coding knowledge would be nice, to help fix the bugs) What I have created so far (for retail leveling): Gnome - Full starting area (+ Continue in the drawf zone and later in westfall) Night elf - Full star area (then standing and wait for the boat to continue in stormwind) Drawf - full start area (then fligh to westfall and continue) Human - full start area + westfall + Redridge Mountains + Duskwood and Northern stranglethorn So the bot is working pretty flawless from 1-32 with these races - and will continue to make the profiles to 1-70 then add the rest if i'm still in the game by the time is done. Please only serious PM's *Have time to test or even better create and test.
  11. You need to make it yourself or wait for some others to do the work :-) i guess there are only like 2-3 people that have what you are looking for att. and before they have leveled all their toons to end level im pretty sure they wont upload it
  12. Hi there: I try to script this quest: Id: 25905 - Objective count: 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 - Time: 1474106788 - http://www.wowhead.com/quest=25905 (Rams on the Lam) where you have to whistle at some Rams with the emote /whistle Stolen Ram: 41539 ID how do i do that ?
  13. Right now there are only a "pulse all" option I would be really cool if we could add something like "pulse this, this and that" at the same time, as a lot of quest is in the same sport. like: "gather this, pick up those object, and interact with that npc"
  14. Hi i want to know how i can get the bot to buy a specific item from a vendor: The vendor: <Npc> <Entry>1247</Entry> <Name>Innkeeper Belm</Name> <Vector3 X="-5601.6" Y="-531.203" Z="399.6539" Type="None" /> <Faction>Alliance</Faction> <Type>None</Type> <ContinentId>Azeroth</ContinentId> </Npc> The item: Rhapsody Malt : 2894
  15. See that might be why it wouldent work ^^ Will test it thanks :)
  16. Making an Ally profile, and as i want it to be as handfree as possible i need a little help with some quests: The 1: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=62/the-fargodeep-mine The bot dont see the quest as complete, When i have made a follow this path and complete on last hotspot. The 2: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26209/murder-was-the-case-that-they-gave-me How do i get the bot to pick option 2 When it interact with the npcs. Fixed The 3: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26232/lous-parting-thoughts Again it dont see the quest as complete after the bot kills the thugs, so it dont turn it in Fixed The 4: How do i get the bot to check if a toon have enough money to train ridning? The 5: http://www.wowhead.com/quest=26257/its-alive The bot wont "use item on" - have checked all the id's (several times) but it still dont use it I will update this post with more questing problems as i make the profile :)
  17. Its actually really not That bad :-) as long as you dont set the bot to kill for exp and attack before beeing attacked.
  18. @dblbacker2200 Thanks for testing it out :) The grinding part is because the profile is made for full heirloom gear, but it is on My todo list to add more quests for people without it .(But i don't think it will be added anytime soon though) Yea i noticed the fargo bug aswell, it seems like the but dont see it as complete. But ill see if i can figur something out. And about the quests rewards, i belive there is an auto equip addon on curse :) ill check later. *Edit - i have added a link to an auto equipper addon, that should do the trick :) @chapperz If eeny wants to charge some pocket changes for something he made, then imo its totally fine ! (I've do it myself if i diden't have a well paid job) But i agree... I belive there should be a free version of 1-110 for horde/ally included in the bot (as hb had) - but again who should make it? I'm a horde player myself, and have a 1-110 like 90-95 % handfree horde profile (Wod and Legion are pretty hard to script), but i haven't released it, as i don't want to be a dick to eeny and bettersister (And i don't want blizzard to sniff in my horde profile code xD). Also have a 1-60 vanilla profile (even though the bot don't support it right now) and a 1-60 TBC profile (a friend promissed me outland) that still needs some work, but still runs pretty damn well. But now i will start on the next profile, and then might fix the fargoo quest, and see what i can do about the westfall profile
  19. Cool man. you can always ask if you need some more specific help :)
  20. Set it as highest prioity, and make sure it have the right one - - like taget distance - Taget hp % (to make sure you use it to pull)
  21. If you want, you can test them on a new toon :) and then report to me. Will start fixing the first profile now, so it will work with all classes :)
  22. Its not really about the money - its more the risk that people starts sharing it, and then yeah... then you can't even use your own route that you used 300 hours creating. But i'm sorry if i sounded hostile, i wasen't my attention
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