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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. For the first question, that's different for each user. For the help, there are some snippet codes in the fightclass developer forum, but other than that, you won't find much help. - but in general, to do "smart" fightclasses you need to code it in c# & lua. As the xml is really limited :) For persons to help you with the harder parts, I don't think you will get anyone to "be a general helper" but post in the fightclass forum, if you need help with something specific. Other than that, I believe you should post in English if at all possible, as most people don't understand German :) Good luck
  2. Basically the short answer is - the bot is made as a melee bot, not a caster bot, and that forces the bot to try to move even closer to the target each time it casts to end in melee range. This have been a problem for a loong time now, with every non melee classes. Sure there are some partly working workarounds, but basically that's the issue, and to my knowledge there are no way to totally remove the melee part in a fightclass
  3. Yeah - but sadly just how it is for now, some of the problems comes from the pure API blizzard had what 14 years ago or something. So a lot of stuff must simply be made as workaround to partly solve some problems.
  4. The problem right now is the way the bot does it. It dosent finish the quest or check if you have enough gold, it simply just drop everything it's doing, and run straight to a trainer, and it is pretty much impossible to predict where the bot is at a specific lvl (unless you add grind) There is ways to force trainers, but the problem is, that it should be made for every class at almost every 2 levels, and that's makes the profiles even messier. And another problem as @eeny is pointing out, is that it needs to restart, to add the new spells to the taskbar (so far the only way to get the spells to work in fightclasses (in the old versions of wow)
  5. Thanks for the share :-) Always nice with new legion stuff, will take a look at it, when i return to retail (waiting the next banwave to be done xD)
  6. Guess you should force it as completed in the profile. Like saying: If have item (hs Id) = 1 Then it should turn it in :)
  7. Hi. I have had some trouble figure that out. what can condition can i use for starting a quest like: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?quest=594 Like i need the bot to got a gather the bottles, so i need it to check like "i dont have this quest on my quest log", so it only runs that step if i dont have have that quest completed or in my questlog @Droidz ?
  8. I'm not 100 % sure what you mean. But I guess it is how to make the bot do quests it can't track. For that i use one of 2 things - both in the "quest complete field": (remember to set on af the object counter to true 1. The quest is complete when I have my hearthstone in my bag. 2. The quest is complete when I am in xxx range of a hotspot. If you need the specific code, send me a pm, as I'm on my phone, so I don't have it right now
  9. Quest profile. With "use item on", then dont add entry entry I'd, but just the hotspot. Then add some lua code that checks the item ID for cool down, alternative setup the relogger, so you don't just wait for 15 min on a hotspot
  10. Just Use the first part of the code then :) Should open the container
  11. I fixed it with: And put it in a if has quest or something :) ItemsManager.UseItem() And then Runcode Lua.LuaDoString(""action quest button":Click()"); "action quest button" = the button to accept If you need the complete code send me a pm - and I'll answer when im on my pc :)
  12. I can see there are a lot of quest items that don't get removed, after you turnin the quest. Anyone have a code to remove these items from the bags?
  13. that one needs to be renewed after 1 year :)
  14. If I was to start again, I would use a week or so, simply checking out AH on my server, and out for the that make a priority list over what to farm and when to sale. And then create some profiles out from that, also go out and check the world, for places where it is possible to farm without getting reported. I've rather keep my account going for some extra months instead of suicide botting
  15. It works - but takes % and again if they check it you are doomed. Working better if you have like 1 very expensive item, that can be purchased on AH
  16. This only means = bigger profit :) Use a day or something creating some nice profiles for yourself, nothing comes out of thin air
  17. Again depending on your server, and what's needed. If you are 1 / 100 running gathering 24/7 then ofc you won't make the big buck. But if you find what's needed on each server (tradeable mount/transmorg gear/potions/materials/bags whatever you can farm and sell (or flip) will do - and by the 1 that does something more than just running for "star roses"
  18. Do the math It's say it takes 3 hours to complete for the bot. That's 165-333 g/hour Let's say you farm end level skinning. And let's say you get 2000 gold for a stack of 200 materials, or let's just say you have a mule to take them for 1000g/stsck You farm 2-3 pr. Mob and should kill + skin around 60 pr/hour + sell mats to vendor giving let's say 200g/h Meaning this would give you around 2300-3300 g/h on AH - fee Or 1300 to a mule. If the prices are different on your realm, just inset other g/h and do the math :)
  19. Depend on what you are going for :-) as scripterx said, i'm not sure that many would farm mounts and stuff on private servers. One reason could be, there are some chance that blizzard will close it (or themself) I would optimize that profile, and then wait and hope blizzard will get their ass out, and make a some legacy servers - then im sure people would farm that stuff again !
  20. To much activity on AH To much grind / gathering To long sections to many days in a row Player reports Gm reports Bad stucks / bad fightclasses Play smart - play like a human :)
  21. Just blacklist the mob id's you don't want to attack, and it should ignore them
  22. I would just add a gathering profile, then make it sleep for x seconds if the potal is not found, then go back to step x again, and simply just repeat it until it go though and arrive at at new set of cords
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