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Everything posted by Arcangelo

  1. Depend on your server - but expect the gathering like mining herb skinning to be the best - properly mining /herb og herb / skinning
  2. I mainly played on some RP servers, so for me it was more about farmning high demand transmorg gear - that could easily make me 50k+ an hour, with that limit, you would have to farm in diffent places with custom profiles at all time (and check out AH for "missing" gear). But i belive you need to get a pretty decent ilvl - and use the time to complete the "more skinning/herb/mining" questes on your toons, for making more gold in general. But I most admit i never really got into the whole gold selling buisness, so i have no idea how much i would have made, as i simply deposited it all to a Gbank on my main - for next time i actually wanna play the game.
  3. You cant add a cs to to the file editor - what profiles is it you wanna use :) ? It seems a bit strange.
  4. you can use a CS file :-) But where do you add the fightclass ? you need to add it to the field "fight class" in general settings. And the "profile" in product settings And remember to pick the right bot - if its a quester pick quester - if its a grinder pick grinder, and so on
  5. No you dont have to sit infront of the PC for 16 hours - you can do it with 1 rotation. After that it might have added some new spots - then yea check it again, remove the stucks, and let it run again -> keep doing it untill i have run 2-3 times with no stucks. After that, then just bot as normal, and then everytime you see it get stuck - remove that point as well, and within a couple of days you have an awesome profile. Off-Mesh connector is the new tool droidz added like 1 month ago - there are some guides here on the forum, go check it out :D
  6. No no... Just 1 - but inside the bot you need to have 2 separate files
  7. Blacklist the "spots" after that check it and make a new "work around the spots" with the off-mesh connector. This way you will have 0-1 stuck instead :D
  8. It is quite simple. The bot wont do anything itself - unless you feed it with an xml file (a profile) These "profiles" can contain everything from quest - mobs - gathering notes - hotspots - item ids - blacklisting and so on. So before you can even run the bot you need 2 things: 1. A profile - that tells the bot where it should go, and what it should do. 2. A fightclass - "another profile" that makes your toon use it abilities to kill mobs. And to get almost 0 chance of ban - you have to make those 2 work human like
  9. No you simply cannot "just" make those profiles run on wrobot. And you would have to check + recode pretty much every quest, so i belive it would be quicker if you just coded your own leveling profile :p And if you wanted to run the same route and do the same things as HB - then use HB
  10. Been a while since people got banned. If you don't want to create your own profiles, then this bot is simply not for you. But if you actually are going to make some good profiles, and fightclasses, then yes sure, it would be pretty easy to earn a good amount of $$ on the bot
  11. Playing around with the quest Set Them Ablaze! (3463) and for some reason it seems you have to equip the item, before you can "gather" So is there a way to "save" equiped item - so the toon can swith between those, so it actually can fight between the Sentries
  12. Either use a addon like quickquest or you can use (hold the mouse over the box) /run print(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) and then make an runcode clicking the box and then clicking "complete quest"
  13. Screecher Spirits (3520) in feralas Its like splitting in 3 parts - and im not sure how to get around it. first you have to kill the vale screecher 5307 then you have to use item Yeh'kinya's Bramble : 10699 on the dead cropse then you have to talk to the spirit. And you have to do that 3 times
  14. It is not dead @gridz I just belive those questions have been answered so many times now, if you just looked a little into the forum. 1. Yes, as mentioned it is propperly the safest non private bot out there 2. There are a 1-70 alliance and a 1-80 horde profile, and there are some grinding profiles after that - but i would make my own grinds after the quest profiles runs out. 3. If it is just grinding profiles - then i wont take that long to start creating your own - Same goes with fightclass, but the question is how good they will be? again that depend on the time you spend creating them.
  15. I have the same problem. I blacklisted really much around in the Water and used the off mesh connector to generate the path (worked like 75-25 ish) But guess you could do something like follow path before turnin the questes.
  16. type the code in where you add spells and set it to "not spell, is c# code" in the spell settings
  17. I belive i have the most complete quester out there so far :) Running from 1-40 so far (both factions) But still have a few bugs that needs to be cleared in the upcoming releases.
  18. As the title says. Gathering seems to be broken on Elysium server after the new update. (Still working on my test server though?)
  19. Hi mate Try posting a log, without it we don't stand a chance to see what's going on. But it should really strange, unless you changed level or something?, but more info is needed :)
  20. This function seems to be broken :-( a fix or a work around, without using a hotspot. ?
  21. For some reason the bot mixes up, mostly if there are more than 1 key. So for now i also deleted it, but it should be really easy to expand the bag to include the keychain when it seach for items :)
  22. The bot don't detect the item if it is in the keychain. like in quest: "The Hidden Key" id 328 where you get the key: 2719 Any I'm using this: return wManager.Wow.Helpers.ItemsManager.GetItemCountByIdLUA(2719) == 1; to check for the key in the bag. Just a note: If i move the key from the keychain to the bag, then the issue is solved. - Thinking about it - I have seen this problem in 2-3 other quests with the same structure (pick a key up that goes into the "keyring")
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