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  1. Yes as stated in the original post
  2. 15 Feb 2018 09H10.log.html Here's the log I get these errors before the crash. I am running wow and wrobot in admin mode [E] 14:52:16 - Error injection: Cannot launch it, skipped. [E] 14:52:21 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen [E] 14:52:21 - !Memory.IsProcessOpen
  3. Since the update to 7.3.5 wow + wrobot has been crashing from out of memory for seemingly no reason whatsoever? I have disabled all addons, ran repair tools, run dx9 and totally fresh install of wrobot. This is happening all all my computers I have one at work, home and a laptop I use when bored and watching tv. This is not isolated and it only started since 7.3.5. I am running window 10 pro on very fast computers with minimum 32gb ram Wow never crashes with this error when playing/raiding by had with wrobot not running it is only doing this when using wrobot and I am only running 1 instance at a time. It really seems to take a couple hours before wow crashes with out of memory error?
  4. No not unattended there are no questing packs if you are use to HB sorry :(
  5. Download main.cs and place it in plugin folder. Open wrobot and enable it in plugin section.. win
  6. It's in another thread its's called main.cs
  7. what's the issue? Mine is working fine. Make sure you have run the updater and not running x64
  8. Where would you put this code? And I would like to use only if one or more pets is below say 50% thanks
  9. Oh ok the op seemed to indicate that wow would not start in 32bit after buying the expansion thanks for letting me know.
  10. So did I read this right? If you buy the expansion wrobot will no longer work? I was about to buy the expansion :(
  11. @Droidz Can you solve a couple issues with pet battles please? Distance to interact for pet battle needs to be increased. The range is so short it keeps popping up pet battle is obstructed :( Blacklist pets after an amount of tries especially pets in water or on Lilly pads, logs etc bot can't navigate to them. If you need to repair and there is a pet nearby bot won't dismount repair mount it just follows the pet around trying to start battle. Thanks
  12. Ruinit

    64 bit

    So now that BOFA is slated for this summer when might we expect a x64 test version Droidz?
  13. Here you go let me know if there is anything else you need 24 Jan 2018 07H03.log.html
  14. I have several toons hit 60 recently and now that you can fly in Pandaria I bought flight and on none of the toons will flight work? I can manually fly fine so it's not that I haven't bought flying or expert riding. Other toons work fine that are past level 90 there is nothing in log other than not being able to find paths.
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