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  1. I've found that while using the relogger every time it loads into my character it gives the "try to call protected fuction" error. however if i log in manually and just run Wrobot normally there's no error.
  2. the link to SlimDX doesn't work atm.
  3. Version 1.0.3


    Vengeance Fightclass link: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/856-vengeance-pvp-pvp-talents-utilised/ Due to a request on my Vengeance PvP fightclass post, decided to start working on a havoc project! PvP talents will be coming soon, currently rebuilding honor ranks. Optimal talent build for this is as follows: 3 OR 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1. Optimal PvP Talent build: 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 3.) Quick overview of it's behaviours: Has priority towards heavy hitting spells such as [Chaos Strike], [Annihilation], etc so it will always cast them when available. [1.0.4 (ONLY ON PvP TARGETS)] Uses [Chaos Blades] and [Nemesis] in sync for DAT BURST. Uses [Fel Rush] effectively. Uses [Throw Glaive] as highest priority spell, cause imba even post nerf. Will Silence enemies casting. Will use defensives such as [Blur] depending on situation. Can track targets using [Eye Beam] efficiently. [Mana Break] used on targets below 50% mana Feel free to play around with it a bit, give me feedback on what you thought. Happy Hunting lads.
  4. Turned off all addons, nope. checked wrobot log for errors, none that i see. but it still wont join the BG if it's any help, one of my guildies has reported that after the patch her fishbot (WildCatch) no longer works.
  5. Title says it all, the BG bot won't accept a queue pop, if i manually enter it I've noticed it also doesnt leave by itself. started after the most recent WoW update
  6. Everything was working fine when I went to bed last night, i woke up to find WoW had done a little update, now whenever im using the battleground bot it'll queue me, the BG will pop but it won't enter.
  7. Version 1.2.5


    Havoc Fightclass link: http://wrobot.eu/files/file/917-dh-havoc-pvp/ Hey lads, saw that there was no properly thought out vengeance PvP rotation up yet, spent all night getting this one right. Given the nature of vengeance and this rotation, It'd be safe to say that it'll work just as well in PvE I just haven't given it a test yet, and tweaks to this are going to be PvP influenced before PvE. Version 1.2 PVP TALENTS INCORPORATED Check 1.2 update details at the bottom of the page for full rundown. Optimal talent build for this is as follows: 3, 1, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3. Optimal PvP Talent build: 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1. Quick overview of it's behaviours: Has priority towards heavy hitting spells such as [Felblade], [Soul Carver], [Soul Cleave], [Fiery Brand], etc so it will always cast them when available. Uses [Infernal Strike] as part of its combat rotation, High priority due to amazing damage and mobility. Uses [Throw Glaive] only if the target is over 15 yards away, if below 15 it will use [Felblade] to close the gap (Or infernal strike). Knows how to target [Infernal strike] as well as [Sigil of Flame] at target location. Will Silence enemies casting. Will try to maintain [Demon Spikes] as well as [Immolation Aura]. [Empower Wards] at 80% HP or lower, [Soul Barrier] at 60% HP or lower, [Metamorphosis] at 40% HP or lower. [Soul Cleave] high enough in priority to be used in a correct rotation, will maintain health quite well. (Heavy hitters still take priority over it to maintain rotation efficiency) Will use PvP trinket when able (hit and miss) Will apply and maintain a 20% incoming damage debuff on target via [Torment], only reapplying when needed. (Tormentor PvP Talent required) Will use [Imprisonment] as a last resort silence. (Detainment PvP Talent required) Feel free to play around with it a bit, give me feedback on what you thought. I'd avoid putting Sigil of Misery into the rotation as when I tried it out it felt like a huge slowdown to DPS and hindered overall performance. Happy Hunting lads.
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