Nagrand Gatherer – Outlands
Hey WR,
I’ve been annoyed with how hard it is to get Khorium ore. If your realm is anything like mine (no Khorium on the AH) then you might appreciate this. When there is Khorium on the AH it goes for about 350g – 400g/u on my server. It’s a safe gatherer that hits many of the hotspots all over Nagrand. I let the bot run for about 8 hours and monitored every now and then, I never saw anyone around near me. Don't expect huge numbers as Nagrand seems to not have many node spawns as it is. Even though Khorium veins are pretty rare, after an 8 hour session I got about:
Khorium Ore x60
Primal Fire x16
Primal Earth x80
Adamantite Ore x600
Fel Iron Ore x600
Eternium Ore x160
Tons of Gems
Not crazy numbers, but much preferred over manually farming these rare veins...
The starting location of the bot is at the entrance of Zangarmarsh. My pathing is similar to the map seen on wowhead. It usually sticks to the edges of the map, near the mountains where there are more node spawns.
If you run into issues, try disabling farm indoor nodes. Disable gather herbs as well since they are all pretty low value and not worth the time. Flying mounts are a must. Helps if you are a higher level. Let me know what you think. Thanks