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Files posted by OMGhixD
[GRIND] Shal'dorei Silk & AP (SURUMAR)
By OMGhixD in 100-110 - Legion
Yet another Grind Profile Release ! :)
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.1.5 23420
Requires atleast 775ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 156
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x120
This was only tested on Demon Hunter AND Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
Demon Hunter Wise - Can be done through Vengeance and Havoc but recommend Vengeance
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 1.8k g - 2k g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
And as always! happy botting
Stonehide Leather Farm (Highmountain) W/vendor
By OMGhixD in Skinning - Legion
This Profile will farm the following items
[Loot Stat] Items looted during session:
Undivided Hide x 9 (3/hr)
Intact Skull x 17 (6/hr)
Blood of Sargeras x 33 (12/hr)
Unbroken Tooth x 618 (240/hr)
Unbroken Claw x 313 (121/hr)
Bear Hide x 15 (5/hr)
Bristled Bear Skin x 19 (7/hr)
Ruined Leather Scraps x 3 (1/hr)
Hillstride Gauntlets x 1 (0/hr)
Stonehide Leather x 12 (4/hr) (this seems wierd, After 4 hours Farmed : x 807) [ estimated 201/hr ]
Shal'dorei Silk x 807 (313/hr)
Fatty Bearsteak x 409 (158/hr)
Ettinbone Pauldrons x 1 (0/hr)
Oddly-Shaped Stomach x 4 (1/hr)
A Steamy Romance Novel: Got Milk? x 3 (1/hr)
Ettinbone Girdle x 1 (0/hr)
Arkhana x 11 (4/hr)
Roughage x 1 (0/hr)
Gristly Morsel x 1 (0/hr)
Icepine Hood x 1 (0/hr)
Hagfeather Cord x 1 (0/hr)
Razor Tooth x 20 (7/hr)
Brief History of the Ages x 1 (0/hr)
Hagfeather Leggings x 1 (0/hr)
Hagfeather Handwraps x 1 (0/hr)
Worn Hooked Claw x 60 (23/hr)
Elapsed time: 02h:34m:30s
Kills: 369 (143/hr)
Deaths: 0 (0/hr)
Stucks: 3 (1/hr)
Farms: 362 (140/hr)
Loots: 366 (142/hr)
Money/HR: 353 G 14 S 09 C (909 G 33 S 80 C)
Turn "attack before being attacked" OFF!
Turn "Ignore fighting if in ground mount" OFF!
Mount distance "10"
Selling "Check"
Sell Gray Items "Check"
Sell White items "Check"
Filter as you wish on "FORCE SELL AND FORCE KEEP LIST"
My Force Sell List
My Foce Keep List
Profile Route!
Profile Information :
Start the Profile in Trueshot Lodge ( town next to thunder totem )
Start on GRINDER!
the bot will start at Trueshot Lodge, then move its way up to the Farming spot and stay there.
When min bag free X Amount is hit it will run back to trueshot Lodge and Sell items as well as Repair. Then it returns to the
farming location to resume its farming
(NO i have not setup usage of a mailbox on this profile cuz there is no Mailbox anywhere near the bots farm location nor route
so that is not gonna be an feature here)
Feel free to use my profile/s, by all means! but the botting is your responsability and solely yours! i do not take any responsability if you, your characters / friends characters or Whatever, gets banned!
[A + H][Gatherer] Suramar West Gatherer v0.2 [Polished]
By OMGhixD in Broken Isles - Legion
Hello and Welcome! so i have been using this profile, which was made by our beloved " @eeny "
However there were SOME stuck spots. so i took the freedom to correct theese small but devestating stuck spots
All credits goes to the original Creator " @eeny " this is a simple polish only
Ran for 8 hours and 30 minutes with 1876 Farms
30 minutes = 86 Farms
this profile overall is just a great moneymaker. throughout using this profile for around 9 days ive made ruffly 860,000g :P
If the Creator seems that this thread is un-appropriate and wants it deleted. by all means contact me and it shall be done
[SKINNING] Stormscale Farm (Stormheim)
By OMGhixD in Skinning - Legion
Yet another Grind Profile Release ! :)
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.1.5 23420
Requires atleast 775ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 137/150
Stormscale Farmed in 1 hour and 33 minutes (x426)
This was only tested on Demon Hunter AND Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
200x Stormscale values at 15k - 20k gold on my server.
Having issues where your character isnt doing abilities?
try this setting for "moveduringcombat" plugin
ForwardStart ; Jump ; Wait(300) ; ForwardStop
BackwardStart ; Wait(200) ; BackwardStop
StrafeRightStart ; Wait(500) ; StrafeRightStop
StrafeLeftStart ; ForwardStart ; Wait(500) ; ForwardStop ; StrafeLeftStop
ForwardStart ; StrafeRightStart ; ForwardStop ; StrafeRightStop ; StrafeLeftStart ; StrafeLeftStop ; ForwardStart ; Jump ; ForwardStop ; Wait(Replace 1500) ;
" Copy and paste WITHOUT QOUTES
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile "Stormscale-Stormheim-Farm.xml"
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
START IN STORMHEIM (look at the map screenshot)
And as always! happy botting
Paladin Retribution Legion 7.1.5 23420
By OMGhixD in Paladin - Legion
This is a Class Rotation Profile for Retribution Paladins
Game version : 7.1.5 23420
Please use the same talents as showed in this image below
Ifnot the class rotation profile wont work properly.
[GRIND] Val'sharah Shal'dorei and green+blue farm
By OMGhixD in 100-110 - Legion
Yet another Grind Profile Release ! :)
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.1.5 23420
Requires atleast 760ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 197
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x203
This was only tested on Demon Hunter AND Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
Demon Hunter Wise - Can be done through Vengeance and Havoc but recommend Vengeance
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 1.8k g - 2k g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!
And as always! happy botting
Murloc Cave Farm Highmountain Legion 7.0.3 (3,820g /h)
By OMGhixD in 100-110 - Legion
Today i bring another farming profile for y'all!
Some general information about the profile.
- Safe area (inside a cave)
- over 3,5k gold an hour!
- vendor added
- 5 Blues within 1 hour, 3 greenies and 15 grays - 244g if u sell to a vendor
- Almost 0 amount of players in the area,
- 100% afkable
What settings to turn on.
Advanced Settings - Vendor (Selling or Buying) MANDATORY
Rares Overview :
Hillstride Helm of the Harmonious - Averege of 900 to 1500 gold on retail auction house ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 1k to 3k gold on the auction house
Hillstride Gauntlets - Averege of 101 to 500 gold on retail auction house ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 2k to 5k gold on the auction house
Icepine Jerkin of the Harmonious - Averege of 300 to 500 gold on retail ( i have not checked retail myself and this is different from each server, i checked an online auction house viewer for US servers )
Private servers at an Averege between 3k to 5,5k gold on the auction house
CAVE ENTRANCE (Highmountain)
start bot in this room.
How to install.
1- Download File (Make sure to download the latest one up to date)
2- Extract to botroot/profiles/grinder
3- Open Wrobot.exe
4- Login and Select Grinder
5- Start Bot in the room above - Profit?
Started with 17k gold / 4 hours later = 28,722g
Paladin Protection Legion 7.0.3 22522
By OMGhixD in Paladin - Legion
This is a Class Rotation Profile for Protection Paladins
Game version : 7.0.3 22522
Please use the same talents as showed in this image below
Ifnot the class rotation profile wont work properly.
[GRIND] Azsuna Murloc - Shal'Dorei Silk Farm x150 per 10 minutes
By OMGhixD in 100-110 - Legion
So i made this simple profile today that grinds a specific item and or more that drops from the creatures obviously.
The Rare boss is blacklisted. killing it will result in rest of loot to despawn
Mrrgrl the Tide Reaver http://www.wowhead.com/npc=89865/mrrgrl-the-tide-reaver [BLACKLISTED RARE BOSS]
However! the rare boss Daggerbeak is added to the kill list. he drops pants (rare) which can be sold for nearly 30g
if farmed 10 times in an hour that equals 300g + additional raw gold
Profile Information
For Legion - 7.0.3 22522
Requires atleast 760ilvl IF level 110
Estimated loots per HOUR / 276
Silk Farmed in 10 minutes - x173
This was only tested on Prot Paladin, So i'd love feedback in regards of other classes
x200 Shol'Dorei Silk Sells for an average of 3000g - 5000g on the server i play on.
Preview of route and some general information
How to Install
Download the Profile
Move profile to ROOTFOLDER/profiles/Grinder
Open Wrobot.exe
Login and click Product Settings
Click the dropdown arrow and select the Profile Silk Farm Azsuna.xml
Click "Main" make sure you have GRINDER selected and click the play button. Enjoy!