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Everything posted by Pitoco

  1. This ewt Works fine? Im looking for a gathering wow retail. I never see this New bot
  2. Hi guys... Are there any funcional bot for wow classic?
  3. Opa..pensei q nao estivesse... ban rolando semanalmente?
  4. Mas ta dando pra usar o wrobot?
  5. Pra farm nao rola esse gahandsfree?
  6. Hi dudes... simple question... Do wrobot works on retail??? I got many acc that return from 6 month block and i wanna botting (i know, is not safe). If wrobot dont works, can you tell me another funcional bot for retail?
  7. Vocês indicam algum bot que funcione no wow oficial (principalmente rotation)?
  8. Today I tried to use wrobot and the wrong game version message appeared. I had updated wrobot and the wow client was already updated (bnet does not show any wow updates to be made). Has anyone else had this problem?
  9. Fui pego em 2 de tres acc..mas usava sem pena (mais de 15h por dia). Tava nessa batida a meses. A q nao levou suspensao foi a q nao loguei por uns 3 dias
  10. Did you try active this account? I see one account mine that was suspended. Now, In armamory shows that account is inactive (not banned or suspended)
  11. If you are using grinder, when you sre near of the object, select ITEM in profile creator, write the name of the item and click in "add item" (or another link name, i dont remember now). Wrobot shows the item ID. Try this..
  12. Ty...i will try
  13. How??
  14. So, i wanna a pluging that open doors if the char finds it.
  15. I put in the slot "Ground mount name" the name of a flying mount and it worked. I kept the name of the same mount in the two slots in General Settings.
  16. How a get the new coords?
  17. ?
  18. Well dudes, I have some dungeon scripts that always worked well, but lately after the first run, the character does not return to the instance anymore. He even makes the move to return to the instance but before completing the path he returns to the starting position and makes these movements repeatedly or walks without direction on the map. Could anyone tell me what might be happening?
  19. Works for me...i just want use it to pull and loot the trash... i made profiles to zul farak and mana-tombs and works very well.. if i can add a command to open doors using gatherer profiles, it would be easier for me because i've never done quester profiles.
  20. Friends, I started doing dungeon profiles using a guide that I saw here in the forum. I create these profiles as a gatherer. To access some dungeons I need to open doors (the karazan raid for example). How do I enter a command to open ports when input from dungens so require?
  21. hi... How do I enter a command to open ports when input from dungens so require? Ex: karazan entry has a door and it needs to be opened to access the dungeon. I'm creating the profile using gatherer.
  22. Bom pessoal...eu uso o wrobot a um tempo pra farm... a uns dias atras resolvi jogar e usei o wrotation para facilitar meu up e me deparei com um problema. Uma vez que eu selecionava um alvo nao conseguia para de atacar ate mata-lo. Como estava jogando com um melee por vezes acabava me deslocando para lugares em q tomava muito dano. Tem alguma forma de parar de atacar um alvo selecionado sem ter q ir no executavel do wrobot e pausar o programa ousem trocar de alvo? Tipo algum comando no jogo...
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