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Posts posted by RonSwanson

  1. 17 hours ago, Doobie said:

    I am playing a melee character and has search radius set at 20 but it seems to happen at whatever rate. When the bot goes to pull a mob it just like sits there and like stutter steps until it gets to the mob. It's kinda like what happened when a mob is fleeing. Any fix for this? With a melee character the bot should scan for targets, once the target is seen then the bot should completely run to the mob. Can I do this in code? 

    Like in the pull method add

    if can't pull with a ranged ability then 

    MovementManager.Moveto(targetobject.position) sorry I am on my phone. All I'm saying is there needs to be a way for melee character to move to the target instead of sitting there wait 2 seconds then stutter to the aggroed mob.

    @Droidz Is there a way to fix this? On agrro if the bot is not close enough to the target it will stutter step to the target. 

  2. 51 minutes ago, colderpotato said:

    A friend gave me a new 500gb hdd he happened to have lying around, so Currently looking at a new pc sorta reusing my gpu, ssd, the new hdd and a gtx 960 https://pcpartpicker.com/list/3HJgpb

    I just want something flashy/ over kill now since running a i5 2400 currently it'd be few weeks of saving and selling blood plasma ^^

    Hey I'm on my phone and can't get to the download section. But dark shire needs some work and well dusk wood in general, the waypoints goes bonkers in dark shire if you start at the flight master. 13-40

  3. I am playing a melee character and has search radius set at 20 but it seems to happen at whatever rate. When the bot goes to pull a mob it just like sits there and like stutter steps until it gets to the mob. It's kinda like what happened when a mob is fleeing. Any fix for this? With a melee character the bot should scan for targets, once the target is seen then the bot should completely run to the mob. Can I do this in code? 

    Like in the pull method add

    if can't pull with a ranged ability then 

    MovementManager.Moveto(targetobject.position) sorry I am on my phone. All I'm saying is there needs to be a way for melee character to move to the target instead of sitting there wait 2 seconds then stutter to the aggroed mob.

  4. Hey I am not sure if Cast Time is even being accounted for in C#. For Example Spell.CastTime =  2000 which would be a 2 second cast. I dont think the bot even cares for that value.

    I believe it does not care for the cast time value because I feel like in C# the bot interrupts its spells a lot. How can I get my Combat Rotation more fluent so each spell is used efficiently and not interrupted by the same spell and or the next spell in line.

    What is best practice for this Bot? I am asking this because I am writing a Wrotation so it needs to be able to perform better then a human.

  5. For some reason this spell keeps interrupting its self 3x and then it finally casts, but then it casts 2 times in a row. But yeah the bot keeps interrutting itself with another immolate 3 times in a row and then it casts 2 immolates in a row. 


                if (!ObjectManager.Me.CastingSpell.Equals(IMMOLATE) && !ObjectManager.Me.TargetObject.HaveBuff("Immolate") && IMMOLATE.IsSpellUsable
         && IMMOLATE.KnownSpell)

    Any ideas  on how ton fix this?

  6. @Droidz Hey I know there is a post below about the stutter move but we are on very different time zones so I am hoping to get your attention so I can patch my bot when I wake up. Ever since the most recent patch to the vanilla bot, the stuttering is out outrageous. Its not possible to bot as is as you just stutter move between each hotspot and waypoint. It was fine for me a few days ago but whatever was updated in the most recent update really broke the movement.

    Looks just like this: http://sendvid.com/mwkvu4k0

    Thank you for all your hard work and I hope this can be fixed soon (:

  7. 48 minutes ago, user6e616d65 said:

    I already made a topic about this problem as well. Lots of people have this issue but droidz don't seem to care or bother to respond. I guess I'll dump a log here tomorrow.

    Yeah I am getting this problem as well. Every since that update today My bot stutters when moving , it was not like this before the new update. 

  8. Hey guys been trying to figure out this Multi Target rotation but I cant figure it out!


    I need help because my attempt failed but I will link it so other learn from my mistakes. THIS METHOD IS BROKEN :b


    I need a method that does such: Detect if there is more then 1 mob aggroed to me and or my pet which I believe ObjectManager.GetNumberAttackPlayer() > 1 does that. The method needs have the pet attack each target that is attacking me to try and get aggro. Then I just need to cycle through the aggroed units casting my warlock dots on each one until each target is dead then if all of my dots are on each target then focus the target with the least amount of health, rinse and repeat. I plan on calling this method from my CombatRotation method unless there is a better way. All are welcome to help, thanks!



     private WoWUnit target;
    internal void MultiTargetRotation()
            if (ObjectManager.GetNumberAttackPlayer() > 1)
                var UnitToAttack = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().FirstOrDefault();
                if (UnitToAttack != null)
                    target = UnitToAttack;
                    Logging.Write("PET ATTACKING");
                    double LowerHP = ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().Min(unit => unit.HealthPercent);
                    var LowerHPUnit =
                        ObjectManager.GetUnitAttackPlayer().SingleOrDefault(unit => unit.HealthPercent == LowerHP);
                    if (LowerHPUnit != null && LowerHPUnit.Guid != target.Guid)
                        Logging.Write("WHATS GOING ON");
                        target = LowerHPUnit;


  9. 4 hours ago, Droidz said:

    Use this lua code to disable autoattack:

    if (PlayerFrame.inCombat) then ClearTarget(); TargetLastTarget(); end

    Don't forget also to put range better than 15 yards at your fightclass (if range is smaller than 15 yards, wrobot relaunch autoattack), you can found this option in top/left of fightclass editor, or you can also with this c# code like here line 19.



    UPDATE: I have figured out how to check how many mobs are attacking me, now I need to check how many are attacking my pet.  (:


    Works like a charm you are awesome! Okay now my next task that I cant figure out is trying to figure out if I have pulled more then 1 target. Just need to be able to see is more then one target is attacking myself and or my pet :b. The fight class is coming along very nicely, thanks for all the help so far guys :D.


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