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  1. yeah I know that's what The Ascension private server are all about, it's classless high risk servers ? I will check this out!
  2. cheers man, I am pretty sure that it's not my computer since my other profile on my main (dps) is working just fine without Fps drop...
  3. Hi! I've tried to do a healing FC for my character or ascension private server. Everything works great except for when my FC targets someone to heal them I go from around 144 fps down to almost freeze for a second.. This happens everytime my FC tries to target another player. when it casts heals on myself it's flawless. what can be the cause of this issue? healing test forum.xml
  4. yeah his code look like this: <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions /> <SpellName>Spirit Bomb</SpellName> <Priority>23</Priority> <DescriptionSpell>#Vengeance Talent</DescriptionSpell> </FightClassSpell> bot keeps spaming it when he doesn't have any soul fragments, what I need is a way to track the soul fragments stack, so he doesn't spam it even if it's just 1 soul fragment cuz that would be a waste of GCD. so what I am asking is, how to track the buff stack Soul Fragments if the bot can't track it? ok so this did the half trick <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>CSharpCode</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionString"> <Value>ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff(203981)</Value> </Param> </FightClassCondition> how can I make it track the stacks of that buff? I want my bot to only do Spirit Bomb if he got 4 or more Soul fragments out... Buff Stack can't track Soul Fragments buff for some reason.
  5. so I've tried this for a couple of hours but it seems like Wrobot can't track Soul fragments buff. 21 sep 2017 01H43.log.html spirit bomb test.xml
  6. when I am riding vehicles (like the animals in the PvP world quest) my rotation doesn't start, I wonder if there is a easy fix in the options for something like this? played around with cast when mounted but it didn't work.
  7. been trying to configure my Vengence demon hunter to do Spirit bomb when I got Soul Fragments, but when I have this <FightClassSpell> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>BuffStack</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionBuffStack"> <Number>1</Number> <Type>BiggerOrEqual</Type> <Name>Soul Fragments</Name> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <SpellName>Spirit Bomb</SpellName> <Priority>4</Priority> </FightClassSpell> he doesn't do Spirit Bomb at all, but when I do it with condition Buff and type Soul Fragments True he does it, but he pretty much spams it even if he doesn't have any soul fragments. fixed it, C sharp code: wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.Me.BuffStack(203981) >= 4 works on Soul Fragments but BuffStack condition don't!
  8. *poke* I've got this problem aswell.... same stuff happens to my prot pala
  9. yeah this is a little over the top for my knowledge, I will just add all the debuffs :) thanks for your help!
  10. will be a long list... would it be able to do it with debuffType?
  11. you sir is a god among men. worked perfect, so if I want more debuffs cleansed, do I have to do a new cleanse for every debuff? or could I add so it cleanses all poison/disease/magic?
  12. Hi! I've created a fightclass for my paladin while leveling, I want him to cleanse nasty debuffs... (the one I am trying to cleanse now is Toxic Saliva, spell ID 7125 he doesn't do nothing about it when I have Return value research: 1 Return value var: result but if I delete both those lines he just spams cleanse (it works but that's just cuz I've got it in the last spots in my priority list) my question is, what have I done wrong? :( prot pala TBC dubbel wisdom.xml
  13. hello! my bot keeps reloading in combat every 30-60 min or so, pretty annoying when she does it in a middle of a fight :( is there a fix to make this manually instead? I guess it does it to clear the memory....
  14. yepp, this log is from fighting 3 harpys stacked on top off each other 23 feb 2017 16H05.log.html
  15. still uses blood strike instead of pestilence, could it be some other kind of option? Crippes DPS DK rotation.xml
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