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Kalos72 reacted to Asoter in AH Automation Using TSM
After analyzed my Plugin almost everything works. I need 1-3 days for testing & fixing some small bugs and make this much user-friendly than now.
- Fully Configurable TSM
- Disable All Addons (Except TSM)
- Done my Instruction before starting using them(5 minutes for configure this)
- Configurable IDs Mailboxe, Auctioner, Guild Bank and all Positions
- Cancelling all items under cut(Automatic Detect End-Canceling)
- Pickup mail(Automatic Detect when end)
- Post Items (Automatic Detect when end)
- Configurable Loop(true/false)
- Deposit Gold to Guild Bank(true/false)
Probably Tommorow In the evening(EU) Plugin+Tutorial for Setup will be ready
Kalos72 reacted to wlhr in shamans suck for botting?
try demonhunter, they start at 98 and with lvl 100 as tank can easy solo a 110 mob.
Kalos72 reacted to nudl in General Setting per Profile?
<QuestsSorted Action="RunCode" NameClass="wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.UseFlyingMount = false;" /> Should work like this, yep.
Kalos72 reacted to mich125 in Gathering while mounted
Ok i found a solution, i googled a bit, and used macro
/console autoDismount 1
and now it works fine -_- had to disable that somehow
Kalos72 reacted to mich125 in Professions CoolDowns?
All you have to do is:
In reloger make profile like:
ChangeCharacter 1st alt
Run profile for his profession for like 2mins, so he have time to craft.
ChangeCharacter to 2nd alt
And to make character craft here you have an example profile for embersilk cloth, 1st macro open tailoring, 2nd casts embersilk cloth, if you want 1 more cooldown from tailoring you add 1 more macro, and you make such profiles for all your professions/characters, however you want. And its quester profile btw, so you need to run bot in quester.
Hope you understand me:)
Embersilk Cloth.xml
Kalos72 got a reaction from fragik in 101 Twink Farming
So....does no one know what I mean or does no one do it?
Also, what classes to you farm with?
Kalos72 got a reaction from fragik in 101 Twink Farming
Have any of you heard of this level 101 twinking thing?
Since everything in the outside world scales, if you cap your XP ay 101 and give a toon the best in slot, it is super powerful for its level. I would imagine it would save some time/money versus a 110 farming toon? Thoughts?
Kalos72 got a reaction from molotox in 100-110 questing profile
That anonymity is half the reason I am here...if there isn't a HUGE group using the product, by HB or Glider measures anyways, then they wont be on the radar as soon. This is a good product, with fair user community support. Driodz I THINK is alone in the development work, thats a HUGE undertaking for little return.