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File Comments posted by GJ31

  1. Just wondering if anyone can help me regarding this Plugin and/or the Shaman fight class (I have no idea where the issue lays).

    Everything works great expect for when the Shaman attempts to heal. It begins to cast, but is constantly interrupted by the Shaman consistently taking a small step forwards every time it tries to cast, whilst switching back and forth between the Party target and the mob. I've tried to open the code in Visual Studio, but I have absolutely no idea what I'm looking at >.<

  2. Might be a silly question, but I'm looking for a Priest party healer profile to follow my warrior as I level... Would this act as one? 

    (I've tried to have a look at your Resto Shaman party healer profile, but I have no idea what I'm looking at when I open it up in Visual Studio ? Life of a coding scrub)

  3. Hey! Love the FC. Runs extremely smoothly! Just wondering if this might be an idea worth implementing... Is there any possible way of making the FC use Piercing Howl on low HP? I figured if you added an option to set the Piercing Howl hp% to the same hp% as when you run away from two mobs in your HumanMasterPlugin, it could maybe save a lot of dying!


       3182    81

    Amazing plugin, but unfortunately (and its very unfortunate), it appears to clash badly with the MoveDuringCombat plugin (which is essential). It appears the problem arises when it was running back to town to sell items / repair and it encounters a mob. Once its finished killing the mob, it wanders off path but a few feet either side, causing it to get stuck and run into trees / fences / walls etc.

    Additionally, I've noticed sometimes after dying (maybe this has something to do with the Runaway from Combat feature of HMP), that when you are a ghost, it randomly runs off in the opposite direction to the corpse, indefinitely.

    Such an amazing plugin though, but I've had to opt for MoveDuringCombat over this, especially as a Meele class.

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