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Everything posted by CocoChanel

  1. Been tweaking my VM and changing some settings, and I can now run my Virtualbox at at 8-17% of my total cpu with 2 wows running on it. 100% worth it to run a VM.
  2. Make it so you can record profiles for questing. How it would work is, you would start to record, and then you would do some quests (and only kill the mobs from your quests) and it would play it back. This could be a nice function aswell for making fightclass rotations.
  3. Make it so that the bot can do this automaticly. I hate having to re-fill my bots with food every 5 hours or so.
  4. This is what I think it is: An automatic scan for your LAN. Whenever 1 of your accounts are caught, it will scan your LAN and find other bots and report it to the GM's. I have no fucking idea on how you did it Ordush, but I guess that you were lucky.
  5. I dont think he did, I think Nostalrius or Elysium/Lightshope found out how to do it. I talked with some of the staff.
  6. The way it works is that it doesnt matter if you run 1 bot or 3000 bots, it matters when you get caught. If you run 20 bots, you will be able to run them until one of them gets caught, and then they will check the connection between the accounts and ban you.
  7. My plan now is, run 2 accounts in my VirtualBox, run 4 accounts on my main pc, and run 2 more on my macbook pro with my windows partition.
  8. Using a vm right now, and I have to say that its complete fucking dogshit, Im running 1 WOW on lowest everything and 30 fps, and it takes 90% of my cpu...
  9. We are all fucked unless we use a VM. One VM takes like e 30% of your cpu or something, so its going to be a shitty situation
  10. Would be sick if someone could make a working mob-tagging plugin for vanilla. In Vanilla you can probably level to 60 in about 3-4 days with mob-tagging instead of the 9-15 days with normal botting.
  11. 3000 Accounts were banned this month has Mr.whitekidney recently stated, and half of them were botters ?
  12. Are you sure another network adapter will solve the problem? And is there a guide for that ;o
  13. Got 8 characters running, none banned, I only have had 1 mass ban so far.
  14. If anyone has some cool ways to tweak a Virtual machine, please let me know, also I think VMWare is for mac only
  15. Experienced something similar today, turning off some of your plugins can greatly reduce your cpu usage ?
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