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Files posted by Avvi

  1. [FREE] Avvi's AutoIgnore

    AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added.

    About This Plugin:
    Have you ever wanted to ignore any player that whispers your character? WELL, NOW YOU CAN!
    AutoIgnore can be configured to not AutoIgnore Characters on your Friends List or in your Guild. AutoIgnore will never ignore battle-net friends. If you want/need an extra feature added, let me know and I'll do my best to get it added.
    I expect that this plugin would work on all versions of the game. I have not tested everything, so if you are seeing an issue somewhere, please let me know.
    If you wish to expand your ignore list, you can use this addon for some versions of the game: http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info5186-IgnoreMore.html Thanks to @Mike-Mail for suggesting it!
    My Other Plugins:


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  2. [FREE] Avvi's Shadow Priest Leveling 1-70

    This is a Burning Crusade version of the fight class created by @Dreamful
    I have included some fixes as well as some feature enhancements. 
    Features are as below
    Cast Shadowform Cast Inner Fire Cast Vampiric Embrace Cast Power Word: Fortitude Cast Divine Spirit Cast Power Word: Shield Cast if buff remaining time is less than 1 second. Cast Flash Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health If above level 23 Cast Lesser Heal if you are lower than 50 % Health If lower than level 23 Cast Vampiric Touch  Recast if debuff remaining time is less than 1 second. Cast Devouring Plague and keeps it up on target Cast Shadow Word: Pain and keeps it up on target Cast Mind Blast  If player has spell Vampiric Touch, then Mind Blast only is casted when target has Vampiric Touch debuff. If player does not have Vampiric Touch spell, then Mind Blast on Cooldown Cast Mind Flay if all dots ticking on target Cast Mind Sear if more than 2 Units near my Target in 10 yards range Cast Shadowfiend Cast Smite (Only use if you are lower than level 23) Wand/Shoot when below 5% Mana. (This value can be changed easily)  
    If you have any questions or concerns, please post in comments.


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