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Everything posted by Treb

  1. There is my log 30 Mar 2018 15H05.log.html
  2. The bot always go and vendor after every little task like killing 1 mob etc. What can I do to fix that?
  3. Have you enabled Charge in the config?
  4. Bump Is there nobody who knows what I can do to fix this?
  5. Look for the setting "Is Quest Repeatable" or something like that
  6. You play around with it yourself before buying it, I think it comes with the trial.
  7. You can make your own fight classes pretty easily with the fight class creator that comes with the bot.
  8. Version 1.0


    My first attempt at making a good fight class. Currently it only supports Battle Stance, I might make it take advantage of the other stances at a later point. It should work fine as a leveling fight class from level 1-70. The only thing you need to keep in mind is that you'll have to restart the bot every time you learn a new spell. Features Fury Rotation (Battle Stance) AOE Support (Uses Sweeping Strike with Cleave) Trinket Support Cooldown Management (Uses Retaliation on 3 or more targets) Config (For almost everything) I'd love feedback and suggestions for the fight class and if you run into any bugs report them to me.
  9. I tried adding 1 quest objective to the quest but the bot still don't recognize the quest as complete and just tries to talk to the Paladin Trainer over and over.
  10. In my profile I added the Paladin Training quest to it from the Draenei starting zone, the bot go and completes the quest but the bot never recognize the quest as completed once it's completed and the bot will just keep trying to complete a quest that is already completed, what can I do to fix this? The quest I'm talking about is this one: https://tbc-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=9287
  11. I'd like some help with this too as I'm having the same issue.
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This profile will get your Draenei to level 6 by doing all the quests in Ammen Vale. If you run into and problems or have any feedback please let me know.
  13. Hi. I'm having some issues making the bot do the quest Show Gnomercy if anyone could help me it would be great. The issue is that the npc is moving around and I have to interact with the Gnome to make him hostile then kill and loot him to do the quest, but when the bot tries to walk up to the Gnome and interact with him it takes some time to walk there and then by the time the bot gets there the Gnome has moved away and the bot doesn't try to follow him. Sometimes rarely the bot will interact with the gnome but then the bot won't kill him and just stands there and dies.
  14. Treb

    TBC Train Level

    I can't seem to figure out how work this, it's enabled and the bot starts it but doesn't move anywhere or does anything. Can somebody tell me how to use this?
  15. I'm trying to get my bot to use hearthstone but I can't get it to working and after searching on the forums for a bit I found this. <QuestsSorted Action="RunLuaCode" NameClass="local itemName, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ = GetItemInfo(6948);&#xD;&#xA; RunMacroText(&quot;/use &quot; .. itemName);" /> <QuestsSorted Action="Wait" NameClass="15000" /> but that doesn't seem to work for me. EDIT: After spending hours trying to make it use Hearthstone I finally figured out a way to do it. All I did was add RunMacroLua with the text /use hearthstone
  16. Is there any way I can make the bot grind to a certain level between quests? EDIT: Figued it out
  17. It's a questing profile, I'll update the main post with that.
  18. This is my first profile ever created so I'm looking for people to give it a test and give me some feedback. Also I expect people to have their own fight profiles as I won't supply that. Note that this is a Questing Profile and it should finish all the quests in Ammen Vale.
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