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Everything posted by Jensen-

  1. no, they are auto progressing
  2. just uncheck the box for this quest
  3. no longer supporting do it yourself
  4. turned it of, because people start to complain that they pull all mobs on their way to the quest point and there are some zones where you can pull 5-10 mobs, i cant satisfy everyone
  5. its not profitable business anymore, waited whole june for a fix
  6. ah yea, your path in quester has to be like this Profiles\Quester\Borean Tundra
  7. witch one
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Dragonblight 115+ quests Alliance Made on Dragonblight File is not encrypted Quests that should be done yourself due to Npc Elite or complicated mechanics Wanted: High Shaman Bloodpaw Wanted: Kreug Oathbreaker Wanted: Onslaught Commander Iustus My Old Enemy Defending Wyrmrest Temple Steamtank Surprise The Chain Gun And You
  9. Get wow bouton/window name: /run print(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) or /run DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(GetMouseFocus():GetName()) Copy this script in wow chat, put your mouse over an button and press enter key. In wow chat appear button name (you can use this like "/click TheButtonName" or "TheButtonName:Click()" or "RunMacroText("/click TheButtonName")" if you use it in fightclass). You can also use macro: /framestack More info: http://wow.gamepedia.com/Framestack
  10. Fixed, wont use mount on quest unfit for death
  11. Hello there, Thank you for contacting us concerning the recent action taken against this World of Warcraft account. While we understand your concerns regarding the status of this account, we take matters involving the integrity of the game environment very seriously. Please take a few moments to look over the Atlantiss rules, which you agree to when creating your account. They are located on our website here: https://atlantiss.eu/rules The rules state that "Using 3rd party programs (hacks, cheats, bots, etc.), exploiting or abusing bugs in order to gain advantage (intentionally or not)." is an in-game offense. Additionally, the rules also state that "Atlantiss Staff takes no responsibility for the loss of accounts, characters or any in-game goods. It is in the users’ best interest to ensure safety of their data by taking security precautions (such as using a strong password or 2-Factor Authentication) and not sharing their account information with anyone." After a thorough review of this account, we have come to the same conclusion as our initial findings. The account has been identified as having used unauthorized game modifications and thus is in violation of our rules. Access to this World of Warcraft account, has been permanently disabled. Thank you for your continued correspondence in regards to your account and for respecting our position. Game Master Daystar Atlantiss Staff - Netherwing Server
  12. can you tell me at what point does it cast?never had and issue like that befor and it was made with a druid/dks
  13. whats more funny is that, they dont disconnect you from the server, if you dont logout you can still play, but if you do your done
  14. there's definitely something going on agian, got banned on netherwing with accs that were allready lvled and not played for atleast 12days(around 500accs baned) https://atlantiss.eu/banlist
  15. Cant Turn in Quests to stone object that are quite big, bot will keep runing into it https://wowwiki.fandom.com/wiki/Elder_Mana'loa https://wotlk-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?object=188419 https://db.darkwizard.pl/?object=187565 9 cze 2019 23H43.log.html
  16. wManager.Wow.Bot.Tasks.GoToTask.ToPositionAndIntecractWithGameObject(new Vector3(-1322.357, 4042.352, 116.4912), 181606);
  17. Version 1.0.1


    About This File Howling Fjord 130 quests Alliance Made on Dragonblight File is not encrypted/Rar Quests that should be done yourself due to bad server scripts or complicated mechanics There Exists No Honor Among Birds Sorlof's Booty
  18. unzip it
  19. i started at 68 end 71
  20. Version 1.0.3


    Borean Tundra 130 quests Alliance
  21. probobly they got the same thing as netherwing
  22. there was a huge bann wave on netherwing around 550 accs https://atlantiss.eu/banlist my accs that were lvled and offline also got banned. with 1 char i didnt play for months used it few days ago to create a profile with a speedhack/teleport and it got baned also
  23. use humanmaster plugin
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