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Everything posted by Unknownxx

  1. Hello there. I am looking for mesh maps for retail or ways of extracting/getting them. I have no issues paying for them either. I'd appreciate any kind of help. Thank you. Also, for some reason I can not post on Black Market, so I posted it here.
  2. Try turning on the "Ignore combat with players" feature.
  3. Mind posting an unedited screenshot/link of where you've found that? I can't see it on their Discord.
  4. He just joined 15 hours ago, so yeah, might be. Droidz will probably ban him, hopefully. He's annoying, that's for sure.
  5. Stop spamming this post with worthless comments that do not contribute to it.
  6. Update: Just checked, 1 out of 7 of my botting accounts got banned. No idea why others didn't, but hey. Hopefully Droidz comes through with an update.
  7. I have not checked. I didn't bot yesterday, but I did the day before that. I will check later on today and update this post.
  8. Seems like it's back. @Droidz, mind taking a look into it?
  9. Any news? Any bans so far? My accounts are doing good so far.
  10. I've been botting on Sunwell for nearly 10 hours today, no ban so far. All the accounts are doing good
  11. Pretty sure all the GMs have the access to the bot "anticheat" system, if it exists. Crafty was the one who banned me and appeared infront of me telling me to stop.
  12. First two accounts got banned without anyone saying anything. For the third one, he said that but that account did not get banned lol. Hopefully Droidz will be able to fix this
  13. According to one of their GMs in the Discord server, they have a detection system.
  14. Hello there. So I was botting for about an hour on Sunwell's new WOTLK realm and one of my toons already got banned and a GM appeared to another one and said "You're botting, turn that off." I am using the most recent WRobot version, private profile, private fight class and plugins to randomize movement etc. I was keeping an eye on my bots as well. My question is, are they using automated detection or how do GMs know that I am botting? Can something be done about that?
  15. I just deleted pandawow-32.dll and pandawow-64.dll and I was able to launch wRobot with ease. However, some of the functions can't be used then. Such as battlegrounds, for example, because it says that they can't be queued for without using the launcher. Will this be fixed? If those two files are not deleted/renamed/something, then everything in game works just fine, but as soon as I launch wRobot, the game crashes.
  16. Does wRobot work on PandaWoW? With the launcher and without. It crashes my game when I try to run it.
  17. Got it. My apologies and I hope it gets fixed soon. Good luck!
  18. Exactly. This is false advertising. If you don't want to or can't fix it, then just say it instead of ignoring our messages @Droidz
  19. Yup, @Droidz is ignoring it. He read my message as well, but never replied.
  20. Me too, and we still didn't get any kind of feedback by Droidz.
  21. @DroidzAn update would be great if possible. Let us know if this can be fixed or not.
  22. Same thing happened to me pretty much. We just have to wait for Droidz, I suppose.
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