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  1. Confused
    Timadance reacted to Maxic in Warmane Icecrown Bot Detection   
    new account 4 hours boting ,banned!!!
  2. Like
    Timadance reacted to Mlarssa in Use hearthstone when bags are full   
    can anyone tell me how to code the following?
    When bag are full use hearthstone to go to Town.
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    Timadance reacted to eeny in Is there any way to speed up wrobot?   
    In settings / advanced setting there should be latency""... believe its 300-700 default?  Reduce hat number down to around your game latency wand watch the bot for a bit.  You may see it start to skip looting / skinning in which case bump it back up.. try find a good spot.
     Quester.Bot > Pulse(): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
       at Quester.Bot.Bot.Pulse(Boolean loadSettingsProfile, String profile)
    You are loading the profile under the wrong type. AKA- you are trying to load a grind / farming profile in quester mode.  check what mode the file should be loaded under and start it with that mode.
  4. Like
    Timadance reacted to Blobby in Open a door   
    Thank you, that was the hint. Now it works :)

    And I really have to learn the C# Code. Ill search some tutorials here :) 
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