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Everything posted by Skad

  1. dude... Did you even try to bot on warmane so that you can claim that?
  2. Can anyone confirm if wrobot is still detected on warmane lordaeron/outland? Is anyone boting there successfully and if so, how many bots are you using at same time?
  3. Anyone have any luck botting and gold farming on any of Warmane servers? Are they still banning like crazy ?
  4. I have this for 3 years now. I never found solution to this...Just press no each time..
  5. I think that works as i used mouse clicker on some things without bans. But you cant do much things with auto clickers..
  6. Boted for 5 days . 10 hours per day. All 3 bots got banned today..
  7. I tried to make some new grinder profile and the program doesnt record my movement at all. Im looking at it as i move my char, it doesnt record anything. What am i doing wrong?
  8. Still detected. 2 bots banned today
  9. So warmane is gone definitely. Cool...
  10. Anyone tried botting this week?
  11. @DroidzEntire warmane server. Icecrown , Lordaeron and Outland.
  12. Just read what zzzar wrote... Thats what im talking about. Tried everything same as him. They dont touch account that isnt botting. You have have 10 accounts on same pc/ip online at same time. 9 not botting, one is botting. Only one that is botting will be banned. @zatvorgt There is no other bot. Everything else is complete and utter shit compared to wrobot. Everything else gets detected the moment you login.
  13. Correct. I used completely new pc and ISP that isnt even used for gaming at all. I was farming alone in instance on Lordaeron server. Was farming Stratholme. One run i did myself. Than reseted instance and went back in with wrobot. Than wrobot was doing it for 2 hours. I was watching it all the time. Got banned. So you cant tell me it isnt detected. @Droidz
  14. I dont use proxies, nor vpn. I even tried completely new PC and completely new ISP. Botted in instance with 1 bot only. Got banned within 2 hours. I sat there for 2 hours and watched it. No whisper, no teleport, just BAN. No one could report me since i was in instance alone. Now if this isnt automatic detection i dont know what is. How do you explain this? Stop making excuses already.
  15. I dont use proxies, nor vpn. I even tried completely new PC and completely new ISP. Botted in instance with 1 bot only. Got banned within 2 hours. Now what the fuck?
  16. Ye, only you out of 200 people can bot every day without a ban. Shut the fuck up and dont spread false shit.
  17. Ye thats my thinking as well.
  18. He is either working on it and needs more time, or it cant be fixed. Still, i am waiting for official word from Droidz about this.
  19. Its detected long time. I was botting only in instances so no one could possibly report me. Got bans one time within one hour. Second time after 3 hours.
  20. Ye we already know its detected:( Just waiting for a fix now, if possible at all.
  21. Tried today again. Still detected.
  22. Anything gonna happen here or we can forget about warmane botting for good?
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