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Everything posted by senojin

  1. Hello, I'm farming cloth on a WOTLK server. I'm running instances, currently i'm hitting the lockout limit. I was trying to figure out how to use the relogger, schedule options. But its not seeming to work. I might be doing something wrong. I'm not sure, any insight would be appreciated. Maybe there is a better way to do this? Thank you,
  2. Hello Team, I play on on the wrath client 3.3.5a My bots have issues going to the closest vendor to sell once bag are full. They always venture off and skip the vendor in the zone they are in and go to a vendor in the next zone or even next few zones. It doesnt make sense. I have shorten the search radius and this does not fix the issue. I have even black listed whole zones and it still doesnt prevent them from doing it. The crazy thing is they dont do this all the time but buts very frequite and its a big problem. Any insight on how to fix this would be great, at this point I think its a bug. Thank you.
  3. Hello, Droidz I play in WoW 3.3.5a
  4. Hello, When I first got wrobot im pretty sure there was a setting to stop bot after x amount of honor gained. After many updates I can no longer find that option? Is there a new way to stop bot after x amount of honor gained? Thanks
  5. Thank you guys! I disabled all my addons and it seems to be working so far. lvl 7 atm tho. Should i still try to upload the log file?
  6. Hello, I haven't been able to get any fight class to work they all run into the same error. "attempt to call global" Below is an example screen shot, this issue is across all classes and the free fight classes on the site. Thank you,
  7. Hello, So i tried this out, and its not working for me. Any idea how to fix it? Here is a screen shot. Thanks.
  8. Thank you for taking the time to write this all up! I was able to get it figured out thankfully :D
  9. Hello, Team I purchased the private server package and I have ran into a few issues, but ultimatlmy have been able to find a work around for most with the help of the forums. But for the life of me i cannot figure out to get the bot to us the "Mend Pet" skill as intended, it simply ignoring it. I am using the below fight class that was provided via the software. But its still skipping the mend pet spell. Hunter - [Leveling 1-80] [Beast Mastery] | [Marksmanship] | [Fightclass] | [3.3.5a] WRobot for private server > WRobot for Wow Wrath of the Lich King > Fight Classes - Wotlk - 902 I have tried all sorts of things, i have changed the conditions of the health, and % nothing works. I would be very grateful if someone could help me get this solved. The build is useless if you cant even heal your pet :( Thank you -Senojin
  10. Thank you all i got it working. an purchased
  11. Hello, I play on the private server " wow ascension " I was wondering if this bot service works on that private server? I was wondering if I could get a trial key to test it out before purchasing as well? Thank you.
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