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penumbra got a reaction from Marsbar in Decursing/cleansing in C#
For those that come later:
The following work for WOTLK
hasDisease = Lua.LuaDoString<bool>("for i=1,40 do local _, _, _, _, debuffType = UnitDebuff('player', i); if debuffType == 'Disease' then return true; end end"); if (hasDisease && SpellManager.SpellUsableLUA("Abolish Disease") && ObjectManager.Me.ManaPercentage > 10 && !ObjectManager.Me.HaveBuff("Abolish Disease") && !ObjectManager.Me.InCombatFlagOnly) { Interact.InteractGameObject(ObjectManager.Me.GetBaseAddress); AbolishDisease.Launch(); Lua.LuaDoString("ClearTarget();"); hasDisease = false; }
penumbra got a reaction from Matenia in Bot on the way to flightmaster?
I'm having problems with my script that it should stop executing when the bot is on it's way to a flight mater (preferably when it is close to it)
I've noticed that the log produces a "11:35:55.664 - [FlightMaster] Try to take taxi at <location>" but I am unsure if i can use something like the below to see if the bot is in a "seek out flightmaster"-state
robotManager.Helpful.Logging.Status == "Regeneration" Does anyone know, or is there some documentation regarding the functions that I can call to understand where the bot is going and the purpose?
penumbra reacted to Matenia in Nearby Totem?
It's not a game object, it's an NPC.
So check WoWUnits. If you wanna confirm it's yours, try unit.IsMyPet or unit.SummonedBy == ObjectManager.Me.Guid
penumbra got a reaction from Avvi in Totown state?
Thank you both!
Avvi I have purchased your plugin, seems to do the trick