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Everything posted by Loki

  1. Indeed this is the problem. Fighting range. Ive already fixed this on my profiles.
  2. Yes blacklist those two until confirmed fix. Those two bg's is dangerous as of right now for all bots.
  3. Hello bros and sisters! In WR there is a superb feature that make it possible to multi level your profiles to have your char move on to the next profile when he reaches a specific level. This is the value you enter on your top left when making your profile. Most people use this to remember or inform the user what levels the profile is for. How it is intended to be used is i.e. 1-10 Elwynn Forest 10-15 Westfall 15-20 Redridge Mountains and so on. This tells the bot that when the char reaches level 10 it should move on to Westfall and start that profile there. Awesome of course. Now, my request (didnt mean to write a tutorial on multi profile management hehe) Im currently putting together a Herbalism leveling pack with all the profiles needed without having to travel between Azeroth and Kalimdor because travel is very time consuming and disturbing. What I want is, a feature in the profile creator that makes it possible to change the "Char lvl" input to "Herbalism lvl". That would make it possible for my pack to be totally afk 1-600 (if I can make the char buy Herbalism skillbooks ofc, have to check into that). This because when the char reaches Herbalism 70 he will go to trainer, learn the skill and move to the 70-150 region automaticaly. Could this be put in the creator pleeeeeeease? Also, is it possible to get the char to buy profession skillbooks?
  4. I was fixed with an update 2 days ago. Thanks though
  5. Actually, mine takes me out from BG so fast i cant even see my score :) which is a good thing.
  6. But.... That.... Makes no sense? :)
  7. Set a spell at 10 min timer (600000 ms), like a buff or something in your fight class. (Only in combat: false) Problem solved.
  8. Try relog and start bg que again. Sometimes when you have raided or done tol barad you are still in a group without knowing it. This shouldnt be a problem and it never happened to me. Hopefully a relog will sort it for you. When you done that and it still dont work please post uour log from your connection attempt.
  9. Loki


    I tweaked it some, and been leveling for a few hours now. Getting about 200 kills per hour and nowhere near dying. Im using Guardian spec with looms gear. Could probably change to Feral and tweak more to get a higher kill/hr but this is just so stable Im not gonna touch it. I will keep working with the fight class if you dont mind and post an updated version later on. With your name in credits ofc. The priorities needs work to get an awesome rotation and a few "condition spells" needs place. But as a start basic grinding fight class its awesome. Good job mate!
  10. Actually, Im correct :) It says "Health Percentage"
  11. haha, thats the exact 2 ive blacklisted as of now. Strand of the Ancient was completely unplayable tbh. Good to have the man on the job though o7o7
  12. So we have to manually insert the mailbox code that is posted a few post up in our profiles to make mailbox work? Doesnt necessarly look hard, but I can imagine the amount of profiles coming with mailboxes out in nowhere :) Perhaps we can simply add a button to the creator that says "Add Mailbox at player position" that takes Players position and add that to the above code? Should be pretty easy. (and Blizz, why we cant target mailbox?!?!?) I also noticed that my default settings was "NPC mailbox: 1000 yds Radius". I went 0.0 A setting with "When x slots are free, visit mailbox/vendor" and "Durability is less than x%, visit repair"
  13. Thank you both for your answers, very helpful! Im leveling my druid atm and I guess his bearform will do just fine in there :) 2+ mil XP sounds very nice too. When I leveled my spriest I got around 1,6-1,7. Too slow! :P (Im gonna release my Spriest grinding profile soon)
  14. Loki


    Will this work for leveling too? Even through BGs? I have a 75 Feral thats next up for leveling.
  15. All conditions are in german ?! Does WR support german even? I tried this profile for BGs, lets just say I didnt like :)
  16. Strand of the Ancient that is. He is not functional at all on this map atm. Gonna have to blacklist the map for now. He also randomly stops anywhere at the map and just stands. The log just explodes with: [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 [Navigator] 14:47 - Path Count: 1 and [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Path Count: 2 [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Path Count: 6 [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success [Navigator] 14:49 - Warning, partial result: PartialResult, Success
  17. Yes sir, indeed it does no longer run off when dead. But I found another strange behaviour today, As I entered the BG where you arrive on two boats and your mission is to hit the relic it never left the boat :P He just ran around trying to "dismount" even though he wasnt mounted. Very strange, never seen that before. Start looking at 14:31 8 mar 2013 13H39.log.html
  18. Cool Gomi, this macro actually also prints out the original spellname. I.e. Smite to Mind Flay. Very useful!
  19. Yeah I was confused by this too, being new in the bot coding industry.
  20. Note that this is not the pet profile, its your settings. The search radius.
  21. Doing dailies atm, but i will have it tested for sure. Ty bro
  22. Only thing left now is the part where the char runs off when he is dead and waiting for ress. This is not every time but if he does it one time he will most likely not be ressed anymore that map and even afk voted out. That will also mean "Deserter" and not being able to join BG för a while.
  23. Confirming queing is now working. Good job mate!
  24. Im currently in an BG now, but I will see what it does when its over. This time it started to walk himself in the start :P Also he used the teleport in Isle of Con. He refused to do that earlier. But perhaps that had something to do with the "following" part. I´ll see what more I can find out, and I will comeback with feedback about the que system.
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