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Everything posted by Loki

  1. Is the 4 mil XP rested or unrested ?
  2. Also, make sure to setup your bot to mail Runecloth and Mageweave Cloth to an alt. They only sell at about 1-2g or so in AH but your will get A TON of these. So even if you dont get the pet if you run it a few hours while you sleep you will still get payd in gold.
  3. Ah it was at the bottom, didnt see it :) I"ll make more for the other grinda too. I'll keep you posted
  4. Advanced options down right of your textbox here
  5. You can add my Azure whelpling grind to the topic. Its in downloads.
  6. Seems it rearranged the order auto. Still gave me a heartattack. :)
  7. Mortal Strike is for Arms Warriors. Thunder Clap is for Arms and Protection Warriors. This is a Fury Fight Class. Unless something has been changed that I dont know about. Thank you for bringing it up, I will check up on it next time Im logged in but Im 99% sure those two are not for Fury.
  8. Final version out Read the text up top Enjoy, its a beast!
  9. Could it be the case that the spells are rearranged automatically by the creator when it see other priorities than 1 2 3 4. I.e. if there are 14 spells and my old highest priority was 100 it gives the value 14 to this spell? It very much looks like someone rearranged my list, but the rotation actually looks accurate. I need to check this on all before I can say this is the case. So I see the light atm, this is good :) Would like admin to confirm though. tyty
  10. I literally want to cry atm. An update not too long ago took away the manually priority input and instead you have to sort them in order with highest priority on top of the list. This means that every project Ive been working on or anything I want to change in an existing fight class are destroyed since they are not listed in priority. The priority of my classes are set by the manual input priority value, not where they are in the list. This means the 10ish fight classes Im working on and spent many hours in testing for perfection is down the toilet. I COULD ofc redo the priorities and do the testing again, but I wont. So questions: 1) Why this change? 2) Why no heads up before the change so I could have rearranged my lists? 3) Is there anything I can do about this? Loki
  11. You would need programming for that. But hands on your heart, its only 5 min to do the 16 crops. But I do agree its a pain :) But I do it anyway. 48 crops a day gives me lots of lotuses for my alchemy char. (3 chars)
  12. What do you want to farm? I have a gather profile up for farming dark soils that is awesome. Is that what you are looking for?
  13. Oh shit, tracker you sayd. Look post above this, he has it.
  14. As far as I know you cant because its a "chest".
  15. Version 1.0


    [Loki] Winterspring Azure Whelpling Grinder Do you want a cute little Azure Whelpling? So did I, inspired by the by playingnaked. Not to sell, but to cuddle with. (God damn Pokemon syndrome) Anyways, the profile features 1) Circle route at the hotspot. The primary NPC is Anguished Highborne but Im taking the route abit wider from the hotspot to kill other NPCs that also drop Azure but at a lower droprate. This will give the highbournes some time to respawn. Ive micro managed the route to get most Highbourne kill per hour. One circle takes about 7-8 min for me. 2) Vendor and mailbox, alliance, but I think Horde can use this too since the village is faction neutral (I THINK) 3) 300+ kills / hr. Mind that the droprate is 0,02% which means 1 per 2000 kills. So this is nothing you can expect to pickup while eating lunch. Mine took 8 hr but Im a patient man. And I was watching hockey anyway :P Tip of the Day: If you are grinding with a lvl 90 char, Make a fight class that only includes instant spellcast to save time. My disc priest only uses penance, holy fire and SW: Pain. They all instakills everything. Also set your fighting range to 5 so you land in their face and dont need to run to loot. Feedback below please.
  16. Yes this is true. Whenever you are farming anything with the cogwheel symbol when you hoover your mouse over it, you need to have "Loot chest" ON. Also, the bot doesnt know the diffrence from Dark Soil and Onyx Egg since they are both "chests". I tried to blacklist the spots as far as I could but obv the spawns are in diffrent places. If you find Dark Soils, just blacklist them and/or post the line here like da8ball did and I will update it when my next char is doing the run. Thanks for the feedback ppl, its very helpful!
  17. LOL problem solved! WoW error reports poped up giving me this: Date: 2013-04-07 00:33:39 ID: -1 Error occured in: Global Count: 3 Message: [string "MailFrameTab_OnClick(0,2) local c,l,r,_=0 for b=0,4 do for s=1,..."] line 1: 'then' expected near 'Parachute' Debug: Locals: AddOns: Long list of addons. The problem was. When I first used the bot, I had a quest item in my bags called "S.A.F.E. Parachute" and this was on the blacklist for vendor and mail. You know, the "Do Not Mail This Item" box. Apperantly the bot went crazy when I opened vendor and mailbox and didnt know what to do. So it closed and ran off. Now when I removed the parachute from that box. BOOM! 54 slots free :) So this is something for devs to look at, what items more than S.A.F.E Parachute will make the bot go crazy. You have the error message above to start searching.
  18. Im making a grinding profile and would like to dump through mailbox every now and then. When my bags are full he goes to vendor and sell stuff and then go to mailbox and open it. Then Im hit in the face with this. Then he close the mailbox and go back to grinding but with nothing mailed :/ In the end I will have no more space becoz the material I want to mail will fill my bags. Is it an addon that messes with me. im using postal. [Normal] 00:34 - MailBox found [Error] 00:34 - Mail > SendMessage(string target, string titleMsg, string txtMsg, List<String> itemSend, List<string> itemNoSend, List<Enums.WoWItemQuality> itemQuality): System.FormatException: Indatasträngen hade ett felaktigt format. vid System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal) vid System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info) vid System.Convert.ToInt32(String value) vid 盀楨✪埄홌믠鴙ꇭ.ԯ⋢ㆻẋ�¢(String 衎粀㹣舯﫱ಿ쏽⢭) vid wManager.Wow.Helpers.Mail.SendMessage(String target, String titleMsg, String txtMsg, List`1 itemSend, List`1 itemNoSend, List`1 itemQuality, Boolean& needRunAgain)
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