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Everything posted by Mattrix

  1. Thank you so much for your time and for your last update :P i hope you will update operator in the near future :P
  2. No one got this problem? Thank you.
  3. Well, im trying this plug-in but i have a problem, when i click on AUTO, bot start buffing "Server and client" but when i attack with the server a mob, the client doesn't do nothing... Fightclass works well, in fact if i righ-click with the client to a mob he does all the rotation....also if the client got attacked will do the rotation with no problem... i use however dirtyjobs_tbc_ret_Paladin_1.5 There is an error too in the client : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Handle window not valid... Also the plugin pause the server bot automatically. Anyone tried this plug-in and known a solution?
  4. Very nice and useful plugin @Yayybo , but i have a problem, when i click on AUTO, bot start buffing "Server and client" but when i attack with the server a mob, the client doesn't do nothing... Fightclass works well, in fact if i righ-click with the client to a mob he does all the rotation....i use however dirtyjobs_tbc_ret_Paladin_1.5 I need to create a hotkey or something to attack with the client when i attack with the server? There is an error too in the client : System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (0x80004005): Handle window not valid... also your plugin pause the server bot automatically
  5. Thank you so much for your help, i Will vive a try to this apps :)
  6. So, it can simulate mouse or keyboard input but not in movement...
  7. ahahahah :D ...maybe some server can kick you for high ping...!? :) some program like? CfosSpeed can do this?
  8. Ok droidz, can you explain me what "use Lua to move" do? Thank you :)
  9. So a min of 300 and a Max of 300 in latency ?
  10. @Droidz How to make character move more smoother (more human-like)? The bot use CTM to move and when the character turn left or right he do it "harder" and seems a robot :D I tried Use LUA to move but nothing change.... Thank you :)
  11. Maybe adding in the FollowPath QuestType the possibility to Target Entry mobs that you want to kill, so the bot when follow the predefined path will also kill that Target Entry... I think it could be useful for some quests?!
  12. U can download and use an addon like sell-o-matic for selling items, so if the bot go to the vendor but he doesn't sell items the addon will do it :)
  13. Well, let's get started with some question heheeh :) As the title say, @Droidz is there a way to blacklist a zone or a mob until a defined character level? So the bot will evade that zone/mob... Thank you :)
  14. Mattrix

    [TBC] Ghost loop

    Well, i was seeing my bot profile when my character died in the Fargodeed Mine, the bot trying to get the best location to revive but he goes in a "ghost loop" going from the cavern, up on the high part of the mountain just on top of che fargodeep mine (you can't revive there it's too far away from the corpse), he could have revive near the top of the mountain (in fact i saw the button REVIVE) with lesser mob, but he didn't. Log:
  15. I just take the bot so i can do better "experiment" on it :P thank you for your link
  16. Thank you for your kindness answer, i opened that file, but there are only configuration about wrobot, thing like, and not about the API (or whatever they are :) ) : <AssignTalents>false</AssignTalents> <TrainNewSkills>true</TrainNewSkills> <CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight>false</CanAttackUnitsAlreadyInFight> <DontStartFighting>false</DontStartFighting> <UseSpiritHealer>false</UseSpiritHealer> <UseMount>true</UseMount> i have seen that link when i was searching in the forum for some information/help but there aren't all the function that i have seen in other profile :) About the Follow Path i tried the first and the last position and they didn't work, bot choose the path itself, but in other quest it worked...
  17. Hello, I'm trying this bot with the trial account before buy it, my last bot was pir0x so a lot of thing changed in this years, this bot is very complete and rich of useful option, there are some thing that i don't understand 1) I'm trying to make a quester profile, it's easy for some point of view, i saw some profile and "copy" some API, i don't know what exactly they are, like wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Repair or wManager.wManagerSetting.CurrentSetting.Selling etc they are easy to understand, but where can i find more of them? A list with explained what they do? I also found thing like ObjectManager.Me.WowClass == WoWClass.Warlock where can i find more of them? I also have seen other instruction that you can use in your quest and put in "Can Condition" and "Is Complete Condition" that are similar, if i understand well to the condition write before, just put return before Object?! I was used to see on each update, with the bot before, each new option explained, and here i feel a bit lost :) 2)I would like my profile to follow a path of mine and not the one that auto-select the bot, so i tried the FollowPath Quest Type option, but the bot use his own path ignoring mine. 3)I will use it on private server For now is all :) i hope someone can answer me , have a good day.
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