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Bear T.O.E.

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Everything posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. use the timer in fightclass creator, make the cooldown timer for each move to set them so that each move will we cast in subsession. Run the rotation you are wanting to cast can count in 1-1000's so that you make the second almost exact to the T, and each time you press a move in the rotation the second you press the me move that will be the timer, do it this way you will end up with more than one or each move but this will cause the bot to run the rotation the right way.
  2. I have noticed that mages will not cast evocation. I there a way to get them to cast this spell since it is a major DPS increase to keep up mana and the talent is a major increase to keep active.
  3. I was wondering if you could add in the condition (Spell is Channeled)
  4. Is it wrong for me to be in love with this post? .... lol
  5. So we can convert say Honorbuddy profiles to WRobots profiles? Is there a list of supported bots for this converter?
  6. dude its best to create your own profile for this using a profile that has been downloaded 100x isn't the key to not getting caught. If you build your own make sure to black list any ore that is in caves or tunnels and monitor your profile while it is running so when you try to mine a node that isn't in your blacklist then add it in. this takes time but its worth it in the long run. Plus running a profile that is set to a loop in a single area is a bad idea you want to mine from area to area not mining in one area to much this is a monitored thing by bliz. If you need help making a profile then there are a lot of forum posts about it. But its basically the same for all types of profiles accept questing profiles. How I make it easy to setup my blacklisted nodes is I download all the mining profiles that have been uploaded to the site and then copy and past all the blacklisted nodes in the downloaded profiles to my costume profile I made. This should make sort work for making a profile for mining. Remember its best to have flying but its not required. but don't running a flying profile on a ground mount you wont run anywhere, you'll just mount and dismount trying to fly but you cant....
  7. does the bot have a path that runs past the mailbox? Or a path that leads the bot directly to the box? I would add the box into my total path, Make your character land run up to the box and then fly away.
  8. Remember guys every time there is a new expansion they change quests, add or removes quests through out the entirety of the game. They have done this every expansion thus far so lets expect this for the new and up coming one. The website for the game says that Warlords of Draenor is expected to release on or before 12/20/14. So we should get cracking on any questing profiles you are planning on making so all you have to is edit them later.
  9. Hell it wouldn't be hard to make a vortex pinnacle profile. Just make a grinder profile to run the dungeon once every 1 or 2 hours while farming Herbs, Mining Nodes, and killing Humanoids for cloth. Using all the proper engines in subsection you should be able to do this. I don't remember if they removed the dungeon lock, I heard they did but Im still not sure, memory isn't serving me right now. Well this will take some work and time to make this cause you will have to make the same travel profile for each engine and then add in what to kill for each engine, say add the npc's to kill in the grinder profile engine and what nodes or herbs to collect in the farming engine and so on. I mean I can do it but I'm not in town to make this profile. I mean if your going to farm something farm the area too lol, this way your not just hanging out running this over and over again lol, better to not getting caught farming you know.
  10. I wondering what this is? And what profiles it will convert?
  11. How is the progress on the dungeon bot coming? If I have the source code for the bot I could help out you know. What I mean is I wouldn't mind putting the effort to get this ball rolling.
  12. Party bot keep trying to target invisible things or none attackable things in battles int he LFR, Dungeons ECT. I would be nice to be able to run them ithese encounters with out worrying about GM's ketching us.
  13. There should be an option to remove a NPC or Kill-able NPC option so we can remove them if need too.
  14. After running the bot for a few hours say the time it takes to watch a movie. You click the Chat tab and then the bot still functions but shows to be Not responding in windows task manager and you cannot change tabs.
  15. its not just a simple scanning addon. It uses Auctioneer and Auctionator's can info to tell you what is Trending and selling the most in the AH. This will give you an edge up on the composition there for making an addon this Blizzard has deemed banned. You see anything that is third party and gives you an advantage in the game is well against the rules. I use Addon Control Panel to give me ability to turn this addon on or off so that is only in my memory for short amount of time. And yes manacore is the entire addon, it has 4 parts to the addon set. Booster for leveling (Horde or Alliance), Tycoon for auctioning, Impulse for auto default and most used Key bindings and Macros, Edge another for (glyphs, spec, rotation. You can buy it here: http://dynastyaddons.com/
  16. Yeah Im working on learning this stuff Im just failing at it lol..... Nice code and ty ill test it out, im lvling a priest. And this would work with a taunt or a AOE heal?
  17. go to your downloads folder. If it isnt there then try redownloading the game and making sure to save it to your Downloads folder look here: C:\Users\**(YOUR WINDOWS USER NAME HERE)**\Downloads
  18. Buy a 3rd party CPU and Video card fan if your running a PC this will help with that, plus make sure you have a 2 fan setup one in the front of the PC pulling the air out of the PC and one in the back pushing fresh air in. This will help keep you pC from over heating even on the hottest days.
  19. WOW YEAH!! That would be amazing to see in the Party bot for Dungeons too... if you guys get that released anything toon.
  20. well Droidz is the a good LUA Script we can use for all the spell we have to break sleep, stun, ect.?
  21. I would also look into increasing the size of your page file. This will give your OS more room to pre-fetch files decreasing the amount of CPU and Ram needed for the pre-fetch. Each OS has a small difference in how to go about increasing the page file size.
  22. set Avast to ignore the .exe of the bot and set the Avast Firewall to allow the bot to connect to the internet. ignore: WRobot.exe WRobot Quick Launch.exe Update.exe Fight Class Editor.exe Also Start the game in Admin Mode running only in the 32 bit version. And Start the WRobot in Admin Mode. Plus you need to make sure you are not over clocking to the point of CPU Damage so like Driodz said run SpeedFan. Speed Fan Downlod: http://www.almico.com/speedfan.php Also Make sure that you are the latest video driver for your video card. AMD or ATI: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download The Auto Detect and Update utility for AMD: http://support.amd.com/en-us/download/auto-detect-tool Nvidia: http://www.nvidia.co.uk/Download/index.aspx?lang=en-uk Auto Detect Nvidia Products: http://www.nvidia.com/Download/Scan.aspx?lang=en-gb Intel: https://downloadcenter.intel.com/default.aspx The Auto Detect and Update all INtell Devices: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/detect I would also Suggest running this for you O.S. Windows 8 Manager : http://www.yamicsoft.com/windows8manager/index.html Windows 7 Manager: http://www.yamicsoft.com/windows7manager/index.html Windows Vista Manager: http://www.yamicsoft.com/vistamanager/index.html Windows XP Manager: http://www.yamicsoft.com/xpmanager/index.html As for the internet and optimizing that I would suggest running TCPOptimizer. And for speeding up the wat your computer talks to most and all gaming servers I would suggest running Leatrix Latency Fix. TCPOptimizer: http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php Leatrix Latency Fix: http://www.leatrix.com/leatrix-latency-fix Ok so now hope I have helped you out man.
  23. Ok so would it look like this??? setfocus = ("Target", "Party member") if focus = ("Party Member") then settarget = ("Party Member", "Target") if Partymembertarget = ("Target") then ("/cast Taunt") for i=1, 4 do local partyId = "party"..i local name, realm = UnitName("unit") local spellName = GetSpellInfo(53477) if (name) then TargetUnit(partyId); CastSpellByName(spellName, partyId) end end
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