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Bear T.O.E.

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Everything posted by Bear T.O.E.

  1. MANACORE download: http://www.elitepvpers.com/forum/wow-guides-templates/2199524-manaview-suite.html You Must be a member to download from this forum. ZYGO'S LEVELING GUIDE download: http://thepiratebay.se/torrent/9298580/Zygor_Guides_4.0.7599_%28December_4th__2013%29 This site there is no need to be a member to download These are torrent files so you will need a Torrent Protocol Utility like Utorrent. In order to not get caught downloading illegal materials will take some special setting and knowing what torrent are good and by the details of the torrent. But these 2 I have posted are ok. I checked them myself. No Viruses or Trojans, worms, ect. Utorrent download: http://www.utorrent.com/downloads/win_us There are 2 option buy of run the completely free version.
  2. Well im meaning likke there is HostileUntiNearTarget/number/range. Well Why not PartMemberNearTarget/number/range??? This condition would aid some healing spells and some DPS moves like Anti-Magic Zone on the DK.
  3. what im suggesting is a AOE spell for party memebers. inParty = UnitInParty("unit") or UnitInParty("name") Arguments: unit - A unit to query (string, unitID) name - The name of a unit to query (string) inParty = UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("unit") or UnitPlayerOrPetInParty("name") Arguments:unit - A unit to query (string, unitID) name - The name of a unit to query (string) inParty = UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid("unit") or UnitPlayerOrPetInRaid("name") Arguments: [*]unit - A unit to query (string, unitID) [*]name - The name of a unit to query (string)
  4. So ok if im thinking right then setfocus = ("Target", "Party member") if focus = ("Party Member") then settarget = ("Party Member", "Target") if Partymembertarget = ("Target") then ("/cast Taunt") end end end if the possible?
  5. Question does the code I posted work? And if not how do I fix it?
  6. I was wondering if it possible to teach the bot to know were a slop it to steep to walk on, either walking up it or walking down it. So that the wont fall off cliffs or try to walk up cliffs that are to steep to walk up.
  7. ok I got another one for ya. What would the code Look like if this was for a shaman? You know managing the shaman weapon enchants? I have been trying to figure it out but I have failed a lot.
  8. Botting while chatting with a GM over a ticket I submitted.... Now that is scary.
  9. Hey I was just thinking.... What if there was a bot utility that would monitor and record coordinate of quest items when you pick them up, what the items in the first time you pick it up and how many you pick up to complete the quest. The utility will also log the quest name location of the quest by coordinate and or Name of the NPC giving the quest plus NPC coordinate. Then taking all this and compiling a quest log that can then be converted into a questing profile? This would speed up the questing Profile making by far. Plus make even more user friendly for us.... I was just thinking. What do you think?
  10. Im lvling a warrior right now that will be a second warrior, so I will have their secondary spec to be arms and I will work on getting a basic working arms prfile started and I will release it for you to use. ok...
  11. ...... WOW I have has the same problem in TOT LFR's. So I hope we get this resolved. And I'm wondering when we are going to see a True Party bot. The one we have is more suited for solo running or with friends. I'm wanting to be able to Que for dungeons like I would a BG and be able to walk away for a minute and say answer the door and not worry about missing my Que. This Dungeon bot is something that I have wanted to see for a long time.
  12. Ok well Im working on coding this but Im wondering why it cant be put into a condition cuase the condtion would be runetype(4)=GetRuneType(1,2,3,4,5,6); or runetype(1)=GetRuneType(1); runetype(1)=GetRuneType(2); runetype(3)=GetRuneType(3); runetype(3)=GetRuneType(4); runetype(2)=GetRuneType(5); runetype(2)=GetRuneType(6); well at least I think it would work like this. in runetype(4) equals the rune type. runeType - Type of the rune (number) 1 - Blood rune 2 - Unholy rune 3 - Frost rune 4 - Death rune the rune type can be seperated, by catagory by type. Something like this I think. <FightClassSpell> <SpellName>Outbreak</SpellName> <FightClassConditions> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>RuneType</ContionType> <Param xsi:Runetype="Blood"> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Need>true</Need> </Param> </FightClassCondition> <FightClassCondition> <ContionType>IsSpellUsable</ContionType> <Param xsi:type="FightClassConditionStringBool"> <Name>Gorefiend's Grasp</Name> <Need>true</Need> </Param> </FightClassCondition> </FightClassConditions> <Priority>22</Priority> <Timer>60000</Timer> </FightClassSpell>
  13. To touch on this subject is there a way to build a condition to use the in group keys to target say the other tank or the healers automatically? Like say I need to use intervene on a healer.... So the bot will use the F4 Key to target and then cast.
  14. Ok I don't know if this will work the way I have coded it so I'm here asking if this will do what it says it will do. local buffed=0 if UnitExists("player") and not UnitIsFriend("player", "target") and not (UnitIsDead("player")) then health = GetHealth("player") if (health > 99,75,65,50,40,32,15,1) then --[[ Evasion,Cloak of Shadows,Smoke Bomb,Lifeblood, local idBuffs={31224,76577,121279} local idPreparation=14185 local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idPreparation) local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(spellname) if (enabled==1) then for i=1, 4 do if (IsPlayerSpell(idHealthBuffs)) then local start, duration, enabled = GetSpellCooldown(idHealthBuffs) if (duration==0) then local spellname=GetSpellInfo(idHealthBuffs) CastSpellByName(spellname) print("buff: "..spellname) buffed=buffed+1 end end end end But if this code does not do what I'm trying to get it to do... is there a way to combine all the Life Saving Buffs to be used the way their tool tips mean them to be used. I want to conserve space in my fight classes Rotation list by combining all the Life saving buffs to pop at different health spots to make them work the best for my class.
  15. an LUA script is exactly what is says it is. LUA is the prgramming language of most of the game. There are sites dedicated to helping you know the codes and help you build addons and macros. http://wowprogramming.com/ This is just one of them.
  16. Nice to have you here man :) Plus I will be awaiting your Horde Profiles cause I have questing. Plus Im not a big fan or lvling hordies. But I will if there is a quest profile for them. Thanks for the hard work.
  17. Good question.. But these profile take alot of work to make and take along time. So I would go ahead and buy the lifetime key and wait for the release. This community is pretty awesome at getting stuff done and answering questions.
  18. I'm also having trouble cut and pasting this to my fight profile can you please show me a example of the snippet in the fight profile so I can customize this for each of my profile. Ok I got it to load the profile with out error but when I open up the profile not spell is listed named ==Buffs?????
  19. Ok so its working again for some reason... It works fine on my mage. /run for i=1,200000 do local f=FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID(i,"spell") if f then local n,id=GetSpellBookItemName(f,"spell"),select(2,GetSpellBookItemInfo(f,"spell")) local s=GetSpellInfo(id) s=n==s and " " or "\124cFF4FF763"..s print(id,n,s) end end
  20. How do I get the original spell name of a spell if it has been replaced by a newer spell, glyph, talent ect? I used to know a macro that would list all spells in the spell book and if a spell was replaced it would tell you the original spell name and ID. But the macro is no longer working. Ignor this I fixed it. /run for i=1,200000 do local f=FindSpellBookSlotBySpellID(i,"spell") if f then local n,id=GetSpellBookItemName(f,"spell"),select(2,GetSpellBookItemInfo(f,"spell")) local s=GetSpellInfo(id) s=n==s and " " or "\124cFF4FF763"..s print(id,n,s) end end
  21. I'm Tweaking my Mage Profile so I will post one with the conjure moves updated to work the way they are ment to.
  22. Download my Frost Mage and see if you like it. All my Profiles are lvl'ing friendly.
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