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  1. Level 51 warrior banned in Un'goro tonight. Same old WoW client, I suspect player report again. Was afk a bit and when I got back the bot was running inside GM island:)
  2. Just got 3 chars banned on Northdale. I managed to do 1-60 without any issues on one char but then I used Fishing Bot for 1 hour and I think this lead to my bans. Level 47 rogue banned in Tanaris - GM controlled a mob and was running in circles. Level 50 rogue banned in Tanaris doing nothing just sitting AFK. GM teleported all 3 chars on GM island and started the RAT talk ? No VPN, no proxies etc. Everything went smooth until I launched the fishing bot...
  3. Hello guys, Can you get banned on retail if you have Wrobot open in the backround and you use the bot on a private server?
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