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  1. Hello Eeny, I want to use feldomination for summon the void but the bot launch the spell and continue to run...and summon during 2 sec...stop summoning and run. How can I tell him to stop waiting the end of the cast ? I added this but it doesnt work: if (!ObjectManager.Pet.IsValid && SummonVoid.KnownSpell && FelDomination.KnownSpell && !ObjectManager.Me.IsDeadMe && !ObjectManager.Me.IsMounted) { wManager.Wow.Helpers.SpellManager.CastSpellByNameLUA("Fel Domination()"); Thread.Sleep(12000); SummonVoid.Launch(true); Usefuls.WaitIsCasting();
  2. Thanks for your reply. Yes , the void is pulling mob but in some areas he is adding others mobs , then tunnel is not enough to keep him healthy. Then he dies. Without pet , the bot is still using wand without fear , so he dies also.... Concerning the summoning of the void , I ve already played with the tunning of latency options in advanced options....nothing changed. He cast 1 sec then move...avoiding the summon. Same for healthstone...I dont understand why Thanks for your help @Edit : concerning summoning the void its ok I changed these values : SummonVoid.Launch(true); Thread.Sleep(Usefuls.Latency + 22000); Is it possible to engage the fight with an curse then send the void 2 sec after ?
  3. Hi, I have a small issue. The void has not enough time to recover HP then he dies really often in a zone when the repop is fast. Then when the lock is summoning a new void , he doesnt wait the end of the cast....and walk...interrupting the summon...then the warlock is always without pet.
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