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About JosephG

  • Birthday 12/20/1978

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  1. Any one have lastes mining profile with Mailbox ? Please...
  2. Anyone have a profile to mining in Valley Of The Four Wings With mailbox in Alcor ? The fucking profile that i try sending mail, was located in a seller and I sold all ores had in 4 hours of farming. Even when prompted npc was a Mailbox, the bot I sold everything. not found a profile with which to test the mail. I had to add the coordinates manually and try. But I will not lose more ores and time, if someone has the profile of mining with Mailbox functions facilitate I would greatly appreciate.
  3. confirmed, disable my addon and even so, only Blizzard interface the product does not work, gets stuck at the base ally
  4. I'm using the product battle pets using the profileTwilight 20 to 25, but i dont know why, no matter where I take my character map center or to a distant place, the bot always leads to base my character ally and alli gets stuck, and there is left hanging around, you should go all the map without jamming, but leaves the base ally. Please Fixed this, i never have using this product, never works !! 13 ago 2013 19H14.log.html
  5. I try to use the product tracker but dont work, i try to selec in the menu track Battle pets, or pets to begin the battle but don work, how its work ? when i selec the creature and close the window, the bot its stop. or please fixed the product batlepets. i selec the perfil for map or level, but the pj only fly, and fly, and fly but dont start the battle pet
  6. JosephG

    Archeology Help

    The second recommendation I do and that I think is important is that when working with archeology, the program should be on the ability to locate objects (fragments) that we have on the bags and allowing complete the objects to discover. I have several pieces in bags of archeology, but the program can not locate the game destro before discovering the objects. Deputy test image and I can do something about
  7. Hello, i do this report again hoping that this time if you pay attention and can solve this big problem with the bot in archeology module. It happens that every time the character dies for some reason, the character does not seek to revive your body, he immediately seeks RESURRECTION angel and hereby revives, The big problem is that: 1. the character alive with disease debuff http://www.wowhead.com/spell=15007/dolencia-de-resurreccion, generating you get 75% less than their stats, when the character comes alive with this debuff equal returns to continue with archeology, but as it has 75% less of their statistics, because it dies again of add, and so a vicious circle is formed, generating the second major problem. Two. repair cost is excessive for 2 times the character dies and revives with Angel repair costs reach nearly 1000 gold. these addiction problems make working with archeology module becomes unfeasible Deputy images d elo happens and a log so they can review, again I hope you can pay attention to this module and give a quick solution to the problem, I had already reported this but no one responded.
  8. Hello, effecting what you asked: -Uninstall the application completely -Download the product the installer and install it -Procedure to enter and to log in with my character and then the program -Select the option archeology -Set the flying mount -I gave start to the program Once completed these steps, the program worked well and studied objects without problem, but after a short time, the character stopped again for no reason and stays there without doing anything. Attached are the logs for review and determine that happens, there seems to be no problem finding an area, there is no evidence such problems in the log General Logs.zip LOG - 25 abr 2013 06H10.html.zip
  9. I hope I have posted this time the problem where it belongs, logs files attached, so please review them. thanks 22 feb 2013 21H37 - AUoFpk.log.html 22 feb 2013 21H37.log.html
  10. Good afternoon, I report several problems that have been occurring with bot functionality from us about archeology: The first problem I've had is that whenever a character dies this resusita with the Angel, which considerably reduces their stats with this low life, the character is doing archeology, but is masvulnerable enemies and dies again, and sucecivamente so you end up with your armor shattered and a 1k repair The second drawback is that when is fighting multiple mobs, just kill the mob pyede he has before, but others do not attack mobs that do not have them in front of him, the character is not able to get in front of them and attack . The third drawback is that from one moment to another, and for no reason fails, stand still until it runs out and disconnects.
  11. Hello , i need youre help because in the 5.2 there are a new artefact in archeology, the mantide objects, and the boot dont grab this objects, please update ofr correct this issue.
  12. After updating the bot, and after starting archeology, this crash my wow, I could not start archeology
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