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  1. [E] 11:42:45 - y:\\plugins\professionhelper.cs > Compilator Error : warning CS1685: Заранее определенный тип "System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute" определен в нескольких сборках в глобальном псевдониме; используется определение из "c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\mscorlib.dll" c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\eikygg4e\eikygg4e.0.cs(148,24) : error CS1502: Наиболее подходящий перегруженный метод для "wManager.Wow.ObjectManager.ObjectManager.GetWoWUnitSkinnable(System.Collections.Generic.List<MemoryRobot.Int128>)" имеет несколько недопустимых аргументов c:\Users\User\AppData\Local\Temp\eikygg4e\eikygg4e.0.cs(148,58) : error CS1503: Аргумент "1": преобразование типа из "System.Collections.Generic.List<ulong>" в "System.Collections.Generic.List<MemoryRobot.Int128>" невозможно
  2. i did run with grinder. log was red, it didn`t even open to do settings on it
  3. there is nice script for crafting /use tailoring/run for i,r in ipairs(C_TradeSkillUI.GetAllRecipeIDs()) do if C_TradeSkillUI.GetRecipeInfo(r).name=="Silkweave Cinch" then C_TradeSkillUI.CraftRecipe(r); break end end C_TradeSkillUI.CloseTradeSkill() question is how to force bot to craft items then sell them to vendor and do it again ??
  4. unfortunately it doesnt work, here is my fight class, could you please check it out? Rogue - Subtlety yazb water.xml
  5. How to force bot use http://www.wowhead.com/item=116271/draenic-water-breathing-elixir Draenic Water Breathing Elixir when i`m farming under water every hour to keep my char alive? any suggestion?script, plugin, or something else?
  6. reinstalled bot once again, and now it works. Problem solved.thanks for you urgent reply
  7. 3 june 2018 10H33 - HGNNCL.log.html
  8. Doesnt work moll-e. did settings on bot to mail to alt herbs, but nothing happens when got my bugs full! need help
  9. I farm plenty of stormscale and wanna ask is there any plugin or script to help craft many items of it?example start crafting then sell items to vendor and again craft and so on.. or another idea= while farming stormscale craft items 1 by 1 when i got required amount of scale once got it. can anyone help?
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