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Wicked Guardian

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    Wicked Guardian reacted to Droidz in How does the eating/drinking work?   
    If you put "Drink name 'Water name' on '35'% to '90'%", WRobot will drink when your mana % is smaller or egal at 35%, and stop to drink when your mana % is bigger or egual at 90%
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    Wicked Guardian reacted to Photogenic in Bot Does not buff party members?   
    I actually found the problem... Funny thing is.. when the option "Is Buff=true" it doens't buff, Changed it to false and now it does buff.
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    Wicked Guardian got a reaction from Photogenic in Bot causes windows to lag   
    I will post a log later today. I will say that this issue occurs even after WRobot is closed. 
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