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  1. Can't tell if its paused or not when I hit alt-x
  2. I want to cast Shadow bolt only when Backlash procs. Using FCEditor I removed every spell from rotation but shadow bolt then add condition: Buff with Name = Backlash, Need=True and it spams the spell when in a fight. Origanal FC file was [Ohren]Destruction Warlock.xml destro test ON.xml
  3. Destruction warlock: you have Shadow Burn, spell is Shadowburn.
  4. Anyone have a working example of Purge or any of the other debuff spells? I like to debuff in pvp, would like to be able to remove any buff possible but would be happy popping PW: shield. Using Fight class editor I can see how I would add the spell name and the Target Buff Condition. Just not sure what I have to put in the box to the right.
  5. Think I screwed up some how, when I click your link it just starts wrobot doesn't down load the package, I was able to download manualy
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