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  1. Tried again, one account got banned instantly with no plugins, and another got banned after 1 hour.
  2. Same. Default client, banned in 30 sec.
  3. YES! It works that way, thank you!!
  4. Im doing it the quester editor, so adding the using part to the top gives me this error: error CS1529: A using clause must precede all other elements defined in the namespace except extern alias declarations I know I have to add it in VS for it to work, but how do I do that? I mean I did try to do a Questprofile creating a ClassLibrary a while ago but when I when I started the bot through VS, it freezes every time at authentication. It freezes without adding anything only the dll as refrence. So can I open the wRobot in VS to edit it directly, or Im messing something up when I try to run wRobot through VS?
  5. It still gives me a compile error: How can I add the System.Windows.Forms.dll to the program as reference, so it could use its namespace?
  6. I tried in the quest editor as a fullcsharpcode quest, but I dont know how to use the system.windows.forms dll directly in it. I just installed a couple of days ago VS2019 with all the required workloads, so the compiling enviroments are not missing, but Im not sure how to do a quest profile cs file while using it as a step because its giving me the same compile error: The type or namespace name 'Forms' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) If you can help me with that, Im sure it will work.
  7. Using this public sealed class : QuestClass { public void test(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { SendKeys("{ENTER}"); } } gives me this error [E] 12:33:26.870 - Compilator Error : c:\Users\Kiccsi\AppData\Local\Temp\jxfljbqs\jxfljbqs.0.cs(23,22) : error CS1001: Identifier expected Im currently trying to do it with autoit but its taking a lot of time because Im a newbie.
  8. I'm looking for the same exact solution in this thread, can you help me with that please?
  9. I got this error using this "robotManager.Helpful.Keyboard.PressKey(process.MainWindowHandle, System.Windows.Forms.Key.NumPad9);" : : error CS0103: A(z) „process” név nem szerepel ebben a környezetben. In english--> name doesnt exist in this enviroment and error CS0234: A(z) „Key” típus- vagy névtérnév nem szerepel a(z) „System.Windows.Forms” névtérben (esetleg hiányzik egy szerelvényre mutató hivatkozás). --> Key type or namespace does not exist in System.Windows.Forms namespace (or maybe its missing reference). Is it some kind of .NET error?
  10. Hi! Is there a way for the bot to actually press a specific keyboard button (for example 'n' or numpad 9)?
  11. Hi! I'm new to this bot and I started to make a profile for ubrs. I have to open a door by clicking on 7 room runes which I managed to do. But: for example if the bot is at the 4th rune and I get in combat it skips the remaining 3 runes and tries to go through the door (which is obviously the next step). I'm guessing the problem can be solved with a while-endwhile step but I'm not sure how to do it. ubrs_test2.xml
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