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File Comments posted by Bugreporter

  1. I hope, I understand you right.


    1) The Baron as killed, but the loot-a-range would not be used ?

    2) Or is the loot-a-range used, but there was no drop?


    at 1) no idea at all, but did you see the quest-entry in your Log (debug=on)

    [D] ti:me:01 - [Quester] RunLuaCode: local function UseContainerItemByName(search)


    [D] ti:me:02 - [Quester] Wait: 5000 ms


    at 2a) this could happened if the Baron is behind you, (bad luck, next time will be better)

    at 2b) if the loot windows is opened, but auto-loot is off (auto-loot must be on)

    at 2c) or isnt used in a time of 5 sec (increase wait 5000 sec to 7000 (i.e.) or edit Quester to redo the RunLuaCode and Wait a second time)

  2. The problem is, that I work with hotspots. And I tell the bot that there is a hotspot (for teleport) behind the Dungeon-Gate. This works most of the time, but sometimes the bot reach the hotspot, didnt find the teleport (the one near Slabhide), and runs back to the second (real) hotspot. Try to modify the second hotspot moderatly (+/-0.5) in the first and or second coordinate (x,y). I will have a look later but not htis week.

  3. Or, faster:

    - go to the log-window.

    - enable debug (ON)

    - start


    now you see the spells that are known and unknown. Check, why the spells are unknown (wrong talent, race-specific,...) and do the changes that you want and can do.


    P.S.: And change your petname in the fightclass editor, if your pet ist not namend "Wolfmother"

    - open the file in the fighclass editor

    - General settings (the window upper left)

    - scroll down

    - call pet spell name: <change this>

  4. Maybe I have a solution with multi-scenario-sriterias


    _, _, completedObj,_,_,_,_,_,critID = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1); if critID ~= 24922 then completedObj = 'true'; end;


    instead of


    _, _, completedObj = C_Scenario.GetCriteriaInfo(1);


    In the second step (syntax not checked) I check also the critero ID. Is the ID wrong, then is the criterio gone (so my hope). Is it true, ComleteID will do the job.


    But did I see it right, thart completeObj is not local? (critID also, but this is only one line more.)

  5. A good sample. I can work with this if the target is a boss. but in one case the targets are mobs (farming for a very rare drop). With this i didnt found a good condition to break the loop. And there is also a door on the farm way.

    Maybe a good break condition would be something like "no mobs found" or "in the near of position x,y,z". But my c# is bad . Any Ideas ?


    Just tested on Stratholme: In this case, you have more then one Scenario Criteria Info: (First the 3 Ziggurate - Bosses, second the 9 Monster, third the Baron.). Wrobot checks the criterias for exit to fast and because of this, the Profile stops to fast. The Stratholm Profile has some other Problems, but this is at first my Problem (I Think)

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