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  1. this would be good if you have 2 characters in same area so they dont follow each other and move on the same route
  2. anyone ?
  3. restart pc and let battlenet update it self.
  4. ofc , monitor has nothing to do with the pc :)
  5. i tried gathering yday , but even tho its ticked that do not dismouint if in sky golem , he still dismounts and attack attacker
    this profile is not using my CD's , but its good one in one way , you could tweak it a bit ;)
  6. just settings on the console , and lowered latency settings , but you could try that with figh class also
  7. i just tried this , he is dpsing like crazy mofo , instant casting spells much faster than before
    all working great , just one question , would there be chance to have mailbox path also so once he get his bags full to mail items.
  8. mrx


    aha i understand , all good , just didnt know if i must use mamoth all the time as mount or it can be some other so only when he chooses to repair he will mount mamoth.
  9. mrx


    yeah i did that , its just i am not sure at what point he will mount it and sell all my greens and repair. since atm i still have greens in my bags
  10. mrx


    does this mean that i can use any other mount while grinding and when i want to repair and sell greens (have option ticked to use mamooth for repair) that he will mount mamooth and repair/sell items and go back to other mount ? with this totown action i mean
  11. ahhh thank you!
  12. how do i use this script ?
  13. damn i replied on the wrong thread ;)
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