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Everything posted by iseeu

  1. Yea its on 70 (default). But sometimes he just try to ride through them and ignores the range. It happens not often and is no problem for me. Just to put it on the table maybe its the same reason
  2. Hehe, alright :D. Strange, because its on Warmane Outland. Sometimes the bot ignores enemies and just try to ride through enemy lines - maybe it has the same reason?
  3. Fixed the latency settings (thanks for your advice) and watched it for 2 days with the redownloaded file. Well, the stealth issue is better but still there - as you said. Reacting on preparation/resurrecting buff could be an idea. But sadly the bot still blinds his main target and breaks it immediately by itself. Sometimes he blinds a second player properly. And the bot is not using the normal (cheap) insignie at all? (I dont use any plugins or addons btw) Nevertheless, a great fight class ?
  4. Thanks for your fast respone. No plugins or addons. But today he did it right - at least the two times i saw such a situation. ? My latency is around 40 ms, so i set min 30 ms and max 70 ms or so. Makes sense. No chance that he only uses stealth if an enemy is around x yards? like the "get in combat in x yards" setting.
  5. Same problem for me here. I did activate mounting and set the latency but still doing it? Instantly stealthing in every situation... at graveyard, battlemasters, bg joining etc... looks pretty stupid i guess. Any chance to fix this? In fights he looks good, even if he blinds his target and break it immediately with attacks.
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